from around here

This. :)

The thing about having kids is that you don’t expect anything in return for all the things you do for them. I mean, we try our best to teach them about being thankful for what they have so they don’t grow up to be entitled human beings but on a day to day, I really don’t expect them to be gushing with effusive gratitude each time I fix them a snack or stock up on their school supplies, that’d be super weird.

We do everything that we do for them and kids just sort of expect that whatever they get is what they’re supposed to get, that’s how it is. And it’s ok because I’m happy to do it; knowing that I loved on these babies the best I could is enough.

But then once in a while, you get to wake up to a crumpled, messily scribbled note that makes your heart so so so so full.

I shall now bask in this moment for a bit.



I’m so so so so so so so so so so so so so so thankful for you being my mom! And I have the best life ever and thank you I’m really blessed!

– Truett

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset


Also, this piece of kiam chye won’t survive very long around here so this way, I’ll get to look at it the next time I wonder why I’m doing this to myself.

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