from around here

The student has become the master

Baby Theo’s least favourite number is 3 because holding up 3 fingers requires the kind of motor control and isolated muscle power he doesn’t have. And because I’m a terrible parent, I’d always offer him up to 3 pieces of his favourite food, like “show mommy how many gummies you would like – 1, 2, or 3?”

FIVE!! Um, no, TEN!! I WANT TEN GUMMIES!” he’d yell enthusiastically.

“Good try, but the maximum number is 3 and I need to see those fingers.”

He will struggle to contort his fingers into variations of a misshapen claw until finally, he’ll give up and show me 2 fingers while declaring “I don’t like 3.

Guess who just mastered the 3 finger move? Yeah, this guy. He still needs his other hand to hold down the pinky but this works too.

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Processed with VSCO with f2 preset


It looks like we have another foodie in the house.

I wasn’t planning to start baby Hayley on solids for another month but she’s been actively trying to eat all of our food, which makes me feel so bad because every time I’m stuffing food into my mouth, she’ll be trailing it and trying to move her mouth closer to the deliciousness that’s just out of her reach like the little chomping fish from the hungry fish game.

I couldn’t give her fried chicken so she got the next best thing: peas and quinoa.

At first she was all like “Wow all this food for me???” and then when it reached her mouth, poor baby was like “WHAT IS THIS ABOMINATION??? BLEARRGHHH.” See, that’s the mark of a foodie right there.

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The next day, she tried some pureed pumpkin with baby rice. Much better. Then sweet potato, avocado, banana, spinach, applesauce. Yes, yes, yes, no, yes.

Also, Kirsten is an amazing baby feeder. I don’t even have to do anything around here anymore.


So this was baby Theo 18 months ago learning to say his first word.

And now the student has become the master.

I will just say that if my tubes weren’t so successfully tied, we’ll be talking baby #6 right about now.

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  • Reply Ally November 19, 2016 at 11:59 pm

    #6? You are daring!
    Ally´s last post ..Kindy Orientation

    • Reply Daphne November 26, 2016 at 10:36 am

      Sigh, unfortunately that ship has sailed and this factory ain’t making no more babies.

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