from around here

Hey December

December! It’s here!

I’m a December kind of girl, no question about it. My tree is up, lights everywhere, the school holidays are in full swing (I’m really enjoying these leisurely breakfast conversations with my grown up little man Truett) and I’ve got christmas carols on all day. I could do with a whole year filled with Decembers, I really could.

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To kick off the start of a very crazy December, we had a date with Elton John last week.

So you know the husband is full on rock & roll and in the spirit of acquiring shared interests, I was down for gigs to Imagine Dragons, Muse and U2, all in the past few months. Okay, U2 was amazing and Imagine Dragons was surprisingly fun, even though I only knew like 3 songs before the concert. But halfway through the Muse gig (3 hours of floor standing tickets some more), it occurred to me that I was wildly out of place. All these beautiful young people with their cool moves rocking out to Resistance and all I wanted to do was to…sit down right there on the beer-stained floor. And I wasn’t even pregnant then, so it’s not like I can blame the exhaustion on the baby.

Last week, for a change of pace, the husband thought it would be nice to bring his 87-year-old wife (at least on the inside) to something more her scene – Elton John.

I’m accustomed to thinking that I’m too young to be the Elton John type, but as I looked around, I realised that right now, I’m exactly the right sort to be seen at an Elton John concert. Middle aged moms (and also elderly people) doing the dorky mom dance to the crocodile rock.

It was so much fun and I’m embracing it.

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The rest of the month is pretty intense. Year end school concerts, Kirsten is graduating from preschool and in a couple of days, we’ll be heading up to California with the 3 big kids till after christmas. It’s an ambitious endeavour, what with being pregnant and all, but if there’s ever a time to activate my commando travel training, this is it.

I am going to miss this face and his ridiculous bedhead.

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Have a good December, you guys!

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  • Reply Lyn Lee December 16, 2015 at 9:36 am

    San Fran with three littles! I’m so jealous. :)

    You guys must work for an airline or something, haha! The flight time is no joke though, so journey mercies!

  • Reply Michelle December 22, 2015 at 9:42 am

    Few days left before Christmas and the spirit of Christmas is lively everywhere. Thank you guys for always bringing joy on each blog posts. I’m so happy reading Christmas posts. :)

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