from around here

Chompasaurus chomp chomp

theo tummy time

Look who’s getting good at tummy time!! Can I just say that those cheeks are really killing me. This speaks of my lack of impulse control or whatever but I need to eat. this. face. every time I see it, which is basically all day. It could also be due to the fact that he puts up the least protest. He’s not a big fan of all this chomping but he’s all like “this is my life and I’m learning to deal with it.”

It’s a tough call but it is with great pleasure that I present this baby with the chompiest cheeks award.

The weather has been really nice for walks lately. It’s the only time of the year where it’s possible to take walks around the neighbourhood without feeling like it’s an insufferable endeavour. I’ve been bringing the baby out with me on foot for short grocery runs, midday takeout lunches, a double chocolate chip cookie hunt to the subway outlet 15 minutes away (which took more like 35 minutes each way), and late afternoon walks to the playground. Some days when I’m feeling adventurous, I bring along more than one kid (so brave!!). One time, I had all 4 kids with me downstairs and it was a total disaster. Having to hustle after a toddler and two big kids while carrying a fat baby is an experience I recommend to no one. It was also kind of perfect watching them. :)

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Go this way.

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No, go this way.

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Alright, this way.


Because it’s almost christmas, and christmas is a time for giving, let’s have a bit of fun shall we?

I’ll be hosting a special “12 Days of Christmas Giveaway” over on the Mother, Inc. Facebook page. Starting this Sunday 14 December, there will be one giveaway everyday for 12 days right up till christmas day. There are some really, really great gifts in there that you don’t want to miss.

*Okay okay sneak preview – there will be a Yvolution bike, a super cool Egg helmet, the new Todbi Air Hipseat carrier, Aden & Anais swaddles, Playgro playgyms and lots of other cool stuff.

12 days of christmas copy.001

Much love to Global Outsource Solutions and Mothercare for sponsoring the giveaway items. 

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  • Reply junehui December 12, 2014 at 5:09 pm

    Have you seen this? http://www.buzzfeed.com/morganshanahan/the-real-reason-you-kind-of-want-to-take-a-bite-out-of-your

    It’s perfectly normal to want to bite your baby, especially when they’re as cute as Theo!

    • Reply Daphne January 3, 2015 at 12:36 pm

      Thanks for sharing – this is gold!! :)

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