
The state of the hair

So I’ve been trying to grow out Finn’s hair nice and long. I don’t mean actively growing it like one would a pot of plant with water and sunlight and all, but more like refusing to cut it in the face of tremendous opposition. Which usually comes in the following forms:

Why boy keep long hair? Look like girl leh…


His hair is all over his face, how to see?”

All valid points, I have to admit, but that’s why they call it growing pains. It’s been 3 months since I decided to grow it and this…this is the current state of the hair.

the state of the hair

This is what it looks like fresh from a nap. From time to time, it falls all over his face and he starts blinking furiously. There might also be some frantic nose twitching thrown in there somewhere. I’ve been trying to teach him to do the Bieber hair flick for several weeks now but clearly he doesn’t consider that culturally relevant enough and therefore refuses to cooperate. How rude. Or smart. I’ve always known that this kid is too cool for his own good.

Every time my mom sees his messy hair, she’s all “you need to do something about his hair”, which is her way of saying “fine, that’s kind of cute but as a responsible adult, I need to point out how ridiculous this is.”

So I went out and got him a man clip. A what? A man clip. This.

finn's man clip

It might be known to some as stationery but it’s functional, does the job and most importantly, not pink (even though the shirt is – although at this point, I feel the need to point out that the shirt is actually a shade of manly salmon, which is technically different from pink). In any case, that’s a market gap right there. Somebody needs to design hair clips for boys and I’ll buy it in every manly color you’ve got.

On another note, isn’t that like the smooshiest baby face you’ve ever seen? Sometimes I don’t know what to do with all the cuteness that explodes out of his face. One of these days, I’m going to munch it like cookie monster munches cookies.

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  • Reply Qiu Xian July 2, 2013 at 2:05 pm

    His just-woke-up-from-his-nap face is just too cute!!! Btw, they also use that clip for orchids, to clip it from flopping over, not sure if you’ve seen it before though. And just so you know, orchids means testes in Greek, so in a way, it is a manly clip. ;p
    Qiu Xian´s last post ..Weekend at Pasar Bella

    • Reply Daphne July 2, 2013 at 5:49 pm

      It’s called the stoner face! And usually the hair is all over the place it’s really cute. Haha I had no idea they use it for orchids too and thanks for the um, interesting info. Now I’ll never be able to look at orchids the same way again.

  • Reply Bee July 2, 2013 at 3:40 pm

    Don’t cut it! He looks totally adorable. Like a mini JJ Lin actually…

    • Reply Daphne July 2, 2013 at 5:51 pm

      Hahhaha I was going for Tidus from Final Fantasy 10 but I guess JJ Lin is pretty cool too. :)

  • Reply Hairy Fairy July 2, 2013 at 4:09 pm

    My 9mo baby boy is still quite botak and I’m totally having hair-envy now!

    • Reply Daphne July 2, 2013 at 5:52 pm

      Don’t worry, it’ll grow out soon!! Kirsten had absolutely no hair for almost a year and now, there’s a lot.

  • Reply Regina July 2, 2013 at 4:16 pm

    Long hair cool mah! ayoh… they dunno only.

    The irritating bit is always the growing out phase. Been trying to grow out the boy’s hair also but he’s already at that stage where he eeeeeeeeewww anything girl-like, so attempts to clip up or tie up the hair will result in him turning to Chucky. I’m doing my best to ignore the curly tufts while the grannies yodel on in the background.

    And cool boys carry off all shades of pink. (corals, salmons, amaranth, cerise, magenta etc.) As long as it doesn’t come in an Arnold Palmer-esque polo design. :D
    Regina´s last post ..Foldable.Me: Create your own 3D cardboard family!

    • Reply Daphne July 2, 2013 at 5:55 pm

      So cute!! I’m taking advantage of the fact that Finn is too blur to protest and by the time he reaches that stage, hopefully he’ll be used to his long hair. Totally with you on the pink!

  • Reply Sarah July 2, 2013 at 8:00 pm

    Haha jie, you could just tell everyone he is Jewish. From my very reliable sources (ie. my two bosses), Jewish boys don’t cut their hair till they are 3 years old.

    Found the link right here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upsherin

    • Reply Daphne July 4, 2013 at 11:13 am

      Haha siao. None of us look Jewish so they’re going to think I’m mad.

  • Reply Eileen July 3, 2013 at 8:25 am

    aiyo.. luv the baby skin.. totally flawless.. bb Finn so cute… **pinch pinch.. hahaha..

    • Reply Daphne July 4, 2013 at 11:14 am

      I know right?!! It’s so smooshy I just want to eat it all the time…

  • Reply SengkangBabies July 4, 2013 at 1:02 pm

    Hello proud Mummy, keep the hair for a while more.
    Who needs BradPitt/DavidBeckham posters when we can see Finn at your blog :)

    cheers, Andy (SengkangBabies)
    SengkangBabies´s last post ..Happy 1st Birthday, Gardens by the Bay

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