
The Finn Effect

Finn came along for my pregnancy check up last week – this little guy has been super excited to say hi to baby Hayley and I’m just happy to have some catch up time with him.

These single kid outings are my favourites, mostly because they’re so easy. I don’t have to be on my high alert sheep-herding mode every moment, chasing down runaway kids or mediating squabbles or fielding more requests than my brain can process. With one child at a time, it’s relaxing. I feel like I’m out with a good friend and I’m able to really enjoy their company, just talking and having fun.

I was supposed to do a blood test during this check up and Finn is not a fan of needles or blood or any kind of pain in general. I can’t say I’m fond of it myself, but I told him that I’d feel better if he held my hand. So he did, with all the seriousness of someone performing a Very Important Task. He peered at the needle with his face all frowny while squeezing my hand so tightly it was starting to hurt more than the needle prick.

I didn’t mind though – this sort of pain, I’m ok with.

He didn’t let go of my hand the whole time we were walking to the waiting area, and he kept asking if it still hurt. It actually didn’t, but I was rather enjoying the attention so I showed him my finger and said, “yeah, still hurts.”

Clearly, he took this to mean that things were getting out of control, so he made me stop right there in the crowded clinic and said very loudly, “DEAR GOD, THANK YOU FOR MOMMY. YOU NEED TO MAKE THE PAIN GO AWAY NOW SO MOMMY’S FINGER WON’T BE IN A LOT OF PAIN ANYMORE…”

It was the sweetest thing ever, but also kind of too loud because it was also clear to the other 45 people waiting there that I was milking it over a tiny finger prick. If I was in labor, fair game, y’know. But blood test, not so good for my street cred.

“It’s a miracle, I’m fine now, thanks baby!!” I whispered.

“Ok! I’ll always come with you to the doctor so I can pray for you, mom.”


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  • Reply Anonymous April 25, 2016 at 6:13 pm

    Awww baby Finn is so sweet

  • Reply Wahjh April 25, 2016 at 6:25 pm

    Hi Daphne,
    That was really sweet of Finn! You’re really a blessed mommy and kudos for bringing up such a Godly sweet child:)
    I’ve always have this misconception or rather feeling that little boys will never be as sweet as little girls and certainly, little Finn has prove me wrong big time. Really melted my heart reading this post. Jia you for baby Hayley:)

  • Reply Andrea April 25, 2016 at 7:00 pm

    I am like melting from all this Finn effect, like right now in the 15th cabin heading towards katib

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