
Pretty perfect

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I managed to sneak in some alone time with Finn this week while Theo and Hayley were down for a long nap (a miracle!!). Special dates with Finn don’t come around as much as I’d like, and it’s such a treat to have him to myself, even if it’s just for a while.

If there’s one kid who’s had to deal with being the middle child, it’s probably Finn. He’s not quite in the big kid club with Truett and Kirsten just yet, but too big to be in team baby with Theo and Hayley. These days, with the high maintenance babies always getting dibs on mommy time, plus the big kids needing help with exams and school stuff, Finn has to make do with what’s leftover, which isn’t much. In the midst of all the day to day firefighting, I don’t always remember that Finn is just here quietly growing up.

He’s super sweet about it though, just waiting for his turn and being so thrilled when it’s date day, like “are we really going for a special treat today?? Just me?? WOW THANKS!!” 

I had picked him up from school and we were discussing our snack options at White Sands shopping mall because all proper dates have to have snacks. On the list was ice cream, chocolate white chocolate chip cookies and soft chocolate buns.

Finn: Mom! Mom!! Can I also have a waffle please??? I like waffles!

Me: Sure! Which flavour would you like? There’s plain, kaya, peanut, cheese, blueberry…

Finn: *peering at the board with the flavours and prices listed* Ummmmm, how about plain?

Me: You sure? With nothing inside? Don’t you like cheese?

Finn: I don’t want you to spend so much money. Just a plain one will do. It’s only $1.40.

Me: It’s ok Finn, you can pick any flavour you like, don’t worry about it.

Finn: No need, I also like it plain.

Me: Sure, one plain coming right up.

Finn: Thanks mom, you’re the best!


As we were about to head back…

Finn: Mom, is your life perfect?

Me: Whaaat? Why do you ask that?

Finn: Is it?

Me: Yeah, I think it is. My life is kind of perfect.

Finn: I know. Because I’m your baby so that’s why your life is perfect.

Me: You know what? You’re right.

Finn: Because you’re my mom so my life is perfect too.


I really miss alone time with Finn. I need to do this more.

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  • Reply bliswifu May 19, 2017 at 7:51 pm

    awww such a sweetheart!

  • Reply Andrea May 19, 2017 at 9:43 pm

    melting melted melt until…

  • Reply Anonymous May 19, 2017 at 11:29 pm

    He’s such a sweet darling as always. I teared reading this post ?

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