
Finn-o-saurus reporting for duty

I’ve been having one of those mommy moments recently, one which involves a lot of time spent scrolling through old baby pictures and an equal amount of tears, y’know, those of the “where has my baby gone” variety.

Turns out that my little Finn-o-saurus seems to enjoy scrolling through his own baby pictures as much as his momma. He plonks himself on my lap to join me in this wonderful activity and uses his tubby forefinger to help me swipe through the pictures on my phone. He’ll even smile a little half-smile when he sees his own squishy face looking back at him. It’s the best thing to do while snuggled up in bed with my favorite picture-viewing buddy. Does this kid know he’s a looker or what? Just look at that face, I could eat him up, that’s what.

This is baby Finn at 6 months with his explosive hair and toothless, gummy smile.


I’m like “my tiny tiny baby…*sob sob*” and he’s all “that’s ok momma, this version is better” and he’s right. This version is better. This version hugs me back and makes cheeky faces and hangs out with me to look at old pictures.

The husband says I’m in dangerous territory because it’s very close to the “I think we should have another baby” suicide zone (even though I know he really doesn’t mind). I think he might possibly be right. My ovaries need to just calm down and have a milkshake or something.

Aight, just a few more and I’m out.

FInn 6


finn 2

finn finn

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  • Reply Shiella September 10, 2013 at 2:29 pm

    Hi Daphne,

    Saw you outside the Nursery Room at church last Sat when I brought my son over.
    You look exactly like in the blog!
    My son play with Finn and your very friendly helper and he’s just too cute! Too bad I didn’t take photo of them ;)

    • Reply Daphne September 10, 2013 at 9:07 pm

      Hi Shiella, would love to say hi next time!! Haha good to know that I look like myself. :) And Finn will be most happy to oblige a photo!!

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