
Bros before um…other stuff.

Being a big brother is hard. But what’s even harder is being a big brother after having been the baby of the family. You get used to being babied by everyone all your life, then suddenly, you have to give up all those wonderful baby privileges to a smaller baby who’s clingy and chubby and cute. Urgh. The cute ones are the worst.

Also, everyone starts calling you a big kor kor like that’s some kind of mysterious perk whenever they want you to give in to the other baby. Annoying.

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9 months in and Finn has adjusted relatively well to the role of a sandwiched big brother. Well, mostly. It’s been a big change for him, having to relinquish dibs on everything ranging from toys to attention to mommy-time.

I try to baby this second littlest child of mine whenever I can but I think he still feels it sometimes, especially when Theo gets all needy and clingy like he’s been so often lately.

This happened some nights ago.

Finn: Momma, is it you don’t want me?

Me: What?? Why would you say that, baby? Of course momma wants you.

Finn: You don’t want Finn Finn, you want baby Theo?

Me: No way. Hey, momma will always, always want you. I know sometimes I have to feed baby Theo first and you have to be patient. You’ve been a really rad big brother. And mommy will always want you, you know that right?

Finn: Which one do you like, momma? Baby Theo or Finn Finn? Which one do you like?

Me: Both. I like you both. See, this is my heart, and this heart loved kor kor and jie jie. When Finn was born, my heart got bigger so I could love you too. And when baby Theo was born, momma’s heart got really big like this. So that there’s always room for all of you. Promise.

Finn: Ok momma.

Me: Hey Finn, do you like baby Theo? I know it’s really hard being a big brother, but baby Theo is your baby too. Do you like him?

Finn: Yes momma. I like baby Theo, he’s super cute like a pumpkin.

Me: You’re so cute like a pumpkin.

Finn: No, you’re so cute like a pumpkin, momma.

Sigh, I do wish I could make it easier for this impossibly sweet, big-hearted little boy. 

I brought all 4 kids to the playground yesterday and Finn yelled from his spot at the top of the slide. “Mommmmmm, I need to carry baby Theo. Quick! Bring him here!!”

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I think they’re going to be ok. I hope so.

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