
Babies should come with a pause button

Once they hit the 1-year mark, it seems like babies just start to blitz through the rest of their growing process. Have I already mentioned how much I love this stage? If I could have a 1-year-old baby for the next 10 years, I would not mind that at all. And I don’t mean having 10 babies turn 1 every year for the next 10 years, don’t even suggest it. I just want this baby to stay my baby.

finn out of bed

Just so I can read this over and over again, here are some of my favorite baby Finn moments at 2 weeks past a year old.

1. The minutes right after baby Finn wakes up from a delicious nap. He’s got sleepy eyes and he’s all soft and snuggly and he just melts into my arms like a newborn all over again. For the first few minutes right after a nap, he lets me hold him and stroke his gorgeous hair and whisper sweet nothings to him. I live for these fresh out of bed moments.

2. When he stubs a finger injures a body part, he’ll crawl into my lap and hold it up for a kiss. Although scientifically, kisses do nothing for his injury, it makes him feel better and I get to feel like a superhero because at least for now, I’m his entire universe and I can somehow make his pain go away.

3. When he laughs and can’t stop laughing and he’ll hold his head with one palm like it’s the funniest thing he ever saw. I’ll say it straight up that I’ll do anything to make this kid laugh. We all will. Whenever he starts one of his giggling fits, everyone comes running in to do more of whatever is making him laugh. Truett & Kirsten are the masters at this.

4. Watching him stagger around like he’s flat out wasted. Oh, drunk baby steps, you complete me.

5. Anytime he’s hungry (sometimes even after he’s just eaten). He’ll look longingly at the kitchen and say “mum mum mum mum mumm mmmmm *some lip smacking action* mmmm mum mum mummm…” At first I was all *heart melt* because I thought he was calling for me, but no, this kid just wants food.

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  • Reply Magdalene September 9, 2013 at 12:00 pm

    Awwww…this is such a sweet post of your son. Mummyhood is such a blessing!

    My soon to be 2.5 year old girl/boy twins still do 4 out of the 5 things you mentioned in this point. Bliss!

  • Reply Jiarong September 9, 2013 at 1:35 pm

    I wish there is a pause button too! Mine is just turning 1 end of this month and I just enjoy his smiling at us as if we mean everything to him!

  • Reply Daphne Maia September 9, 2013 at 4:05 pm

    awww that’s so sweet! i like #5 most hahahaha
    Daphne Maia´s last post ..Diving in Mabul and Sipadan

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