
And now for a Finn moment


Felt like we got an extra weekend yesterday and it couldn’t have come at a better time. It arrived in style, bringing a morning thunderstorm along with it.

Mmm…morning thunderstorms and midweek holidays, they’re a perfect pair if ever I’ve seen one.

Baby Finn was up at 6 for his milk and there’s usually a 50-50 chance that he’ll drink up and decide it’s time to play. I’m trying to rehabilitate him because let’s be clear – there’s a time to play and 6 in the morning is not it. This morning, he sat up (bad sign!), listened to the sounds of the thunderstorm raging outside the window (good sign?), started clapping?? (super bad sign), then just as suddenly flopped down onto the bed beside me (phew, great sign!!).

This would normally have been my cue to go back to sleep but it felt so perfect lying there listening to the long, deep, contented breaths of my baby next to me. I must have listened for over an hour, playing with his hair, running my fingers along his cheeks, whispering “mommy loves you” and draping my arm across his chest to pat him ever so lightly.

Moments like these were so rare because he’s the definition of restless. When he’s awake, I have to do my snuggling in 15-second instalments. I only get to clock in extended snuggling hours when he’s out cold and even then, his subconscious gets annoyed when I kiss him too many times.

So finally, after I got my fix, I slowly pulled out my hand to get out of bed but as I did, he grabbed hold of it and made me put it back across his chest to resume the patting. He was awake and wanted me to do my overly affectionate mom thing.

It was like being bestowed a great honour by a restless baby.

Best feeling ever. 

PS. In unrelated news, we also went to the playground for a little bit after the rain cleared up later in the day.





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  • Reply Daphne Maia October 16, 2013 at 11:19 am


    • Reply Daphne October 16, 2013 at 1:03 pm

      Hahahah that’s his manly man clip. 9/10 people still think he’s a girl though.

  • Reply San October 16, 2013 at 6:29 pm


    • Reply Daphne October 17, 2013 at 2:13 am

      Thanks babe! Looks like you guys are having a great time in Sydney :)

      • Reply nikki November 12, 2013 at 3:01 am

        Hello Truett’s and Kirsten’s mummy! My dear, how small the world is caving in to be. I was browsing for ideas of places to hold my niece’s 1st birthday party when I saw two familiar angelic faces! And a fellow trainer, Imran, the gentleman on yr bday party post. :) Oh pardon me the rudeness of not introducing myself. Im teacher nikki from tru and kirs rsgk lesson in school! Please send them my love. Missed them dearly (crossing fingers and toes they rmbr me still) and your blog is beyond excellent delight of a super mummy journey. :) Happy new year!

        • Reply Daphne November 12, 2013 at 11:51 am

          Hi Nikki!! Yes the kids remember you for sure! They were telling me about the RSG classes with you – in fact, they used to mention a teacher Nikki, small world!!

          Aww thanks for the kind comments, glad you’re enjoying the blog. Tru and Kirsten send their love :)

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