

Finn is 7!! I just need to say that being this kid’s mom is the best gig a girl could ever ask for. I could do this for the rest of my life and have all that I need to be happy.

I’m here writing this post wondering if I should maybe dial back on my effusive raving mom mode a little and yes I should, so I’ll just say that this boy is so sweet and considerate and kind and gentle and super rad it is unreal. He needs to come with a warning label attached because he does dangerous things to your heart.

I’m mostly like “I’ve done this mom thing for a while, I’m used to I-love-yous from the kids,” and then Finn comes up to me all casual with a “hey mom, I really like you, can I give you a hug?” and suddenly my heart isn’t good for much else because it’s completely ruined. I think it’s in the way he does it – with so much feels like he’s taking the time to let you know how special you are. A proper Finn hug turns your insides into a big gloopy mess.


Finn was the happiest baby who was all smiles all the time. We need to take a moment to talk about that smile. Most smiles do what they’re supposed to do, which is to convey some level of joy but Finn, he has the kind of smile that lights up your entire world. This smile gives you perspective because life can be rough but if I have this smile in my life, I think I’m going to be ok.

When Finn loves you, you’ll know it; but not because it comes with fanfare or dramatic declarations of affection. He’ll sometimes hold your hand a little tighter when you’re walking together. Other times, he’ll offer to share his cookies when he sees that you’ve finished yours. Or he’ll quietly pick up your socks from the floor without being asked to. Or his most devastating move – when he gazes into your eyes with all the love his little heart can contain. The husband will tell you that I’m not much of a soulful loving gaze sort of girl because too much eye contact makes me awkward but I’ll have me some of this heart eye emoji gazing any day.

This is exactly how big Finn’s heart is. Whenever he sees the other kids upset or disappointed, he’ll do whatever it takes to cheer them up, even if it means giving up on the things that he wants.

Like if the big kids are discussing who should read the new dog man book first and they can’t agree, Finn will volunteer to go last after everyone else has a turn. When Theo wants to play a different game, he will be all “okay Yoshi, we’ll play your game instead.

On weekends, they all get their 1 hour of video game time. Tru and Theo, who are both big on living life in the moment, usually burn through their time before the morning is even over. Finn will save his precious 1 hour so he can savour it slowly later in the day. So when he finally decides to use his time and he sees that his brothers are all done with their 60 minutes, he will offer to donate them 15 minutes each so that they can all game together. If that’s not true love, I don’t know what is.

In return, all his other siblings adore him. They’re like extra protective of him, even Hayley who will suddenly yell “WHERE IS KOR KOR FINN? DON’T LET HIM GET LOST!!” when we’re out.

Nothing makes him happier than when he’s playing board games with the whole family. I’ve never seen a kid so into board games. He spends hours reading game cards, planning strategies and memorising special moves + elaborate rules. He knows that the Truly Obnoxious curse is ineffective against the Doppelgänger card in Munchkin, and that 5 dumplings will get you 15 points in Sushi Go.

Whenever we’re unsure of the rules in any game, we’ll just have to ask Finn and he will often be able to quote the obscure rule verbatim.


I’ll be the first to tell you that parenting is hard and it will drive you to the brink of insanity and it will take everything you have; but you also get to be loved so unconditionally that it makes your heart fuller than you ever thought possible.

Happy birthday, Finn!! With all the x’s and o’s in the world.

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