
Running, running, as fast as we can

Yesterday was exciting. We were all up bright and early at the Padang for the Cold Storage Kids Run, something the kids have been looking forward to.

Typically, I’m not real fond of being out in the blistering heat and jostling with the crowd but looking at how excited the kids were, it was hard not to share their enthusiasm. Like Kirsten jumped out of bed shouting “RACE DAY!!” and then proceeded to sit down and eat all her breakfast so that she would be able to “run super super fast.” It was so cute because she was convinced that eating more food was going to help her win the race.

me & kids

Last year, she was completely pooped after running like all of 5 steps and spent the rest of the race shuffling her way miserably to the finishing line. This year, she was determined to run the entire 800 metres without stopping.

Well, what a difference a year makes. This time around, she blitzed off from the start and ran all the way without any breaks. I could tell that she was a little tired around the 500m mark but she made a determined face and kept going, looking secretly pleased every time she overtook someone. With all her girly tendencies, I was afraid she’d turn out to be the helpless damsel sort but it certainly looks like this girl inherited my competitive streak. Self high-5, heh!


Truett already nailed last year’s run so this was easy peasy for him. He put on his shades and zig zagged his way through the crowd without even breaking a sweat. Metaphorically speaking of course, because it was impossible for anyone not to sweat in that crazy heat.

In short, he came, he ran and got his medal.

tru & daddy

Ok, medal showing off time.

cold storage kids run

tru & kirsten

All in all, a fun, outdoorsy morning. I mean, yes it was hot and crowded and technically, I could replicate the run at my void deck instead of traveling all the way to the Padang but there’s something special about going for a scheduled run with customized t-shirts and race bibs and medals. I’m glad the kids loved it.

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1 Comment

  • Reply alexis May 21, 2013 at 10:26 am

    K is soooooo cute. have i said that many times.
    Might not seem like a long distance but i am sure it made a lot of difference to them, getting the medals and feeling that sense of achievement~

    Perhaps you have two marathon runners in training!

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