Disney Magic

Yo Ho Ho Let’s Go!

Lovely Monday morning to you. This is going to be an exciting week, with the final installment of the Harry Potter series blockbustering its way to our screens. I’ve just reread the book for the 4th time and the trailers are looking epic. Cannot wait.

But first, a quick recap of what turned out to be a fantastic weekend. Yesterday was the launch party of Disney Junior at Sentosa’s Sapphire Pavilion because today, Disney Junior debuts on Starhub’s Channel 311. Getting up before 9 on a Sunday morning is a rarity in our house but when the kids heard the 2 words “Disney” and “Party”, their eyes popped open and they jumped out of bed in double quick time.

It was a beautiful morning for a day at the beach. Balloons, check. Palm trees swaying gently in the wind, check. Soft sand, check. Loads of sunshine, double check.

Plus, there were pirates. Well, just one at first but he was a really cute one.

Before the morning was over, his jolly crew was joined by 2 spritely young buccaneers.

Who took to their new pirating duties with much aplomb. They got busy looking for treasure, digging them up and trying to bury others.

And this is the point where I should probably end with a piratey phrase but unlike them, I don’t actually have any real pirate training so you’ll have to make do with a Yo Ho Ho!

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  • Reply San July 12, 2011 at 12:23 am

    It was a fiercely HOT morning! Lol! Hopefully the hubby can come with me the next round, so I have more chance to talk to ya. Hahaha… Me no good at socializing when one eye has to be kept on my lil ‘daddy lion’ hahaha!

    • Reply Daphne July 18, 2011 at 11:11 am

      I’m sure we will! Glad that Jay had fun at least.. :)

  • Reply lxlb July 13, 2011 at 10:24 pm

    Hi-five potter fan!

    • Reply Daphne July 18, 2011 at 11:10 am

      Hi-five right back! BTW, the show was really good!

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