child label

A Thank You Sale from Child Label

You guys! We’re a few days away from Thanksgiving and as a THANK YOU for your incredible support of my other baby, Child Label, we’re having a special Black Happy Friday sale in this Friday.


For 24 hours starting on 28 November midnight, there will be a 40% discount off all products. No promo code necessary as prices will be marked down on the site so just click and checkout, aight?

We’re also super excited to unveil some fab new designs. Kirsten saw them and said “these are so cute I’m going to scream”. And she did.








Maybe you’re feeling like you’re not quite sure if you need labels. We’re here to help answer that question – Yes, you do.

For all these reasons and more:

1. Christmas presents. Kids will love them and parents will thank you for them.

2. If your child is starting preschool or primary school or any kind of school next year, you need labels.

3. If you’re planning a party, you need labels.

4. If your child is always losing stuff, you need labels.

5. If your child has ever come home in a uniform that does not belong to him, you definitely need labels.

6. If you have a daughter like mine who loves pretty things with her name on it, you need lots and lots of labels.

7. If you’re wondering if you really need labels, you probably do.


So mark your calendars, y’all, sale’s starting in 4 days time. It’s our way of saying thanks. :)

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  • Reply serene November 24, 2014 at 6:07 pm

    My son loves your sticker label that he received as a gift from my sis. I just ordered more for him to prep for his school.
    Love the colour combi and design!

    • Reply Daphne November 25, 2014 at 5:46 pm

      Thanks Serene! Appreciate the support!! :)

  • Reply Leonny November 24, 2014 at 9:55 pm

    Hi Daphne,

    Just want to say that your stickers are very good in quality! =D Got them a few years back, and the colour and all are still very good on the kids’ water bottles (despite the washing etc)

    PS: Jia you to being a Mom of four too, btw! =)
    Leonny´s last post ..Thoughts : Be Aware of What You Say To Yourself When You are Down

    • Reply Daphne November 25, 2014 at 5:48 pm

      Hi Leonny! Hope you’re keeping well!! Let me know if your kids need more labels and we’ll send some over to Jakarta , on the house! :)

  • Reply Apple November 25, 2014 at 4:03 pm

    Dear Daphne,

    Is the sale starting on Friday – 28th November 2014 at 00:00 hours in Singapore time? From the above, you mentioned it’s starting on 28th midnight, so not sure if you meant Friday 23:59 or Friday 00:00.

    Another thing is, I’m really interested in getting your stickers for my girl’s bottles.
    1) Will it be worn out after several washes?
    2) If it is not gonna worn out, is it easily peeled off?


    • Reply Daphne November 25, 2014 at 5:52 pm

      Hi Apple, my bad for the confusion. It’ll be starting on Friday 00:00 to 23:59 Singapore time.

      I’ve tested the labels extensively on my kids and they hold out really well without peeling or fading. They’re safe for use in the dishwasher, microwave and freezer.

      If you need to remove them, they peel off cleanly without leaving any residue. :)

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