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Videos I dig

Videos I dig

Chronic Overuse of Hip Swaying

It’s that time of the year when the kids put up their school performance again. And when this time of the year rolls around, I get to upload gratuitous videos of my kids because I feel like an unbelievably proud momma.

And also because everyone should have a chance to watch The Most Enthusiastic Hip Swaying Move Ever.

P.S. Truett spent the entire time hiding behind his friends so we couldn’t get a decent shot of him in action. Let’s just say that he was somewhat less enthusiastic about the whole thing. But definitely no less awesome.

travel, Videos I dig

93 Million Miles from the Sun

A little known fact is that the husband and I used to enjoy video production back in our uni days. We once shot a cheesy horror flick where I got brutally murdered and laid out on a deserted grass patch surrounded by tea lights. Thankfully, all evidence of that has been eliminated.

But the point is we used to really like making videos.

After graduation, we put that on hold because it cost way too much to invest in good video recording equipment. So apart from the occasional footage we take on the iPhone, we don’t really do much video recording.

Recently, I was introduced to the Sony HDR-GW77 Handycam. The folks at Sony passed me one set to fiddle with and when I first saw it, I admittedly didn’t think much of it. It’s like a fraction of the size of the SemiPro Sony Camcorders we used to work with and the whole unit was barely as big as my palm. But the features seemed impressive. It’s completely waterproof (up to 5m), dustproof, shockproof and comes with 10x optical zoom.

It was perfect timing that we got to bring it along to Australia to get some travel footage.

Amazing video quality aside, my favorite feature is the waterproof one. We were at Wet ‘N’ Wild Waterpark and I was about to bring it into the pool when the lifeguard was all like “I think you forgot to put down your camera, it’s going to get wet” and I just shrugged and said “Oh, this? It’s waterproof, mate!” before dunking it in the water like a boss.

Well, ok enough talking and time for some pudding. As in proof, not actual pudding.

Change your Youtube setting to 1080p to view in HD. Enjoy!

Videos I dig

A dose of Disney Magic

We’ve been looking forward to this weekend for a while because tomorrow, we’re all heading over to Disneyland Hong Kong to soak in some much-needed magic fairy dust. Especially so since the kids have been battling illnesses and feeling a little down in the dumps all week. After Truett came back from the hospital, it was Kirsten’s turn to come down with a whole bunch of flu-like symptoms.

The great news is that they’re both almost fully recovered in time for our trip early tomorrow morning.

This trip is extra magical because it will be the kids’ first trip to Disneyland, plus it comes fully sponsored by Disney – for which we’re extremely thankful. They’ve arranged for all the accommodations and itinerary, and I’ll be updating details of the trip over the next couple of days.

On a related note, Kirsten is completely in love with Ariel, the Little Mermaid. I’ve never been a fan of any of the Disney Princesses because hello, Pooh, Buzz Lightyear, Mike Wazowski, Boo, Mater?? But seeing how Princessy my little girl is, I’m not surprised her favorite Disney character would have to be a princess. I’m just glad she went for a spunky one at least.

She watches Ariel’s Part Of Your World song several times a day on Youtube and knows all the words to the entire song. Ok, the pitch is all over the place and we suspect she might be a little tone deaf but what she lacks in musical talent, she makes up for in unadulterated passion.

Videos I dig

Dance With Me Tonight

I haven’t been this glad to see Friday for a while. It’s been a long week – I came down with food poisoning and coupled with the lack of sleep from all that sleep-training, well I’m just happy the weekend is here.

Tonight, we’re all going to let our hair down and boogie a little, so here’s something to get you in the mood.

kids in motion, precious moments, Videos I dig

By far the best rendition of the Macarena ever

Most preschool performances have several things in common – mediocre stage direction, abysmal choreography, average lighting and a very distracted cast. For the most part, it doesn’t even look much like a performance.

But then they usually also have the most enthusiastic audience.

Because there’s a universal rule of parenting that we all adhere to: “When your kid puts up a performance, you scream and cheer like it’s the best thing you’ve ever seen.”

Which is what we did last Friday when the kids had their year-end school performance. I’ve watched it 20 times and it still cracks me up.

And here’s a dose of Hipstamatic Happiness to kick start your Monday.

On another note, the awesome TaoShu iPad app is out and you can download it hereThe kids really love TaoShu – till this day, these are the only Chinese books they will allow me to read.

Also, it’s good to have Petrina Kow back on air every Monday with Joe Augustin. Tune in to Lush 99.5 to check it out.

coolest kids ever, Videos I dig

Freeze Dance

Remember when you were a kid and you loved to do the Freeze Dance because it was so badass to freeze with your tongue sticking and your eyes rolled back into your head? Or like right now, you still do it when you’re driving alone in the car? And in the shower?

You don’t? Just me then.

We had to impart this tradition of freeze dancing to the kids because every kid needs to know how to freeze dance. I mean, hip hop? Meh, that’s so 2007. Freeze dancing is what all the cool kids are doing these days.

I made a video of the kids dancing to Move Like Jagger (I know, if I hear that song one more time my ears are going to bleed) and the husband was all “that’s a psychedelic video”. I think by psychedelic he means awesome because I’ve seen the man dance and let’s just say there’s a reason why neither of us goes dancing much at all.

Right, have a great weekend. I’m off to the doctor’s for Tru’s stitches removal. He’s the only kid I know who enjoys this sort of thing. He’s been looking forward to it all week and the first thing he said this morning was “Today I can go doctor to take out my stitches? YAYY!”

Now that’s psychedelic.

Videos I dig

Sally Sally Lom Chiam Pass

The kids taught me a hilarious chinese rhyme recently, a popular one called Sally Sally Lom Chiam Pass. Some people know it as Cherry Cherry Lom Chiam Pass, or even Chelly Chelly Lom Chiam Pass. The husband says people didn’t have fancy names like Sally back when the rhyme started but I honestly do not know a single person called Chelly so I’m sticking with Sally.

Anyway, they learnt it from my mom-in-law, who’s been doing a fabulous job teaching them Chinese. Unfortunately, I had no idea what they were saying because it sounds nothing like the Chinese I know and I had to wait for the husband to come home to translate.

If you need a translation, here’s what it means in English:

Sally Sally Lom Chiam Pass
Pee Por Pee Por
Left Kiss, Right Kiss
High High, Low Low
Front Front, Back Back
Sally Sally Lom Chiam Pass