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to FInn with love

to FInn with love

To my schmoopsie poo

Dearest Finn,

You’re 100 days old today, which is a milestone, at least for me. In mommy terms, it means that the worst is over because you’re not so helpless and fragile anymore (yay!!). You’re less of a delicate little flower and more of a chubby milk machine. I just checked your thighs this morning and I’m pleased to say that they’ve finally reached optimum chubbiness. Nicely done.

We’re also getting to know each other better. I know the past few months, you just liked me for my delicious milk but these days, you seem to really enjoy hanging out with me even when there are no boobs in the picture. For what it’s worth, I like hanging out with you too, even though you make me sing Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes like forty-seven times a day. You know momma will do anything to make you laugh because that grin? It lights up my world.

It’s been an absolute joy having you in our family. Every day, I look at you and I thank God that he gave you to us.

This family isn’t perfect. We’ve all got our exasperating quirks and we can get a little crazy sometimes but it’s a pretty special one and I’m glad you’re part of it.

On that note, you’ll always be the third kid, which means that you’ll always have to contend with sharing us with your siblings. It’ll probably be overwhelming having to grow up with a sister who’s a live wire and a brother who can be a tough act to follow but I have a feeling you’ll hold your own quite nicely. In any case, you’ll always be special to us just the way you are.

And look at it this way, whatever extra alone time you’re missing out on with mommy and daddy, it’ll be made up for in super crazy fun time with your korkor and jiejie who love you to bits. I think that’s called having the best of both worlds.

I love you, kiddo.