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precious moments

coolest kids ever, precious moments

The best and the worst

Now that things have settled somewhat and we’ve all had a chance to get used to having a new baby around, we have a better idea of what life with 3 kids is like.

Especially on weekends when everyone is around.

I’d describe our weekends with 3 kids as both the best of times and the worst of times.

We can’t, for example, go out for a leisurely meal like most other people because there’ll be nothing leisurely about it. Or much eating for that matter. One kid will want to be carried, one kid will be ripping open wet tissues to wipe the cutlery (then her own face), one kid will be getting acquainted with all the germs under the table and we’ll glance at each other and immediately regret having been so bold as to attempt a lunch at a public place at all.

Somehow, we’ll manage (barely) to shovel food down everyone’s throats and breathe a sigh of relief that nothing was smashed or spilt or destroyed in the process.

But then on weekends where we’re crazy enough to venture out with 3 kids, we also get heart-melting moments like these.

‘Nuff said.

picture perfect, precious moments

Smile and the world smiles with you

This is what baby Finn does when he wakes up in the morning. Or after drinking his milk. Or during a bath. Or when he’s asleep. This is pretty much what he does throughout the day.

He’d be yelling for milk and when one of us picks him and smiles at him, he’ll stop and flash us this killer grin that makes my heart explode from too much love.

He smiles at his siblings and they’ll be all “awwww…baby Finn likes me SOOOO MUCH, he’s smiling at me!” I didn’t have the heart to tell them that baby Finn smiles at everyone but yes, he does like you so much.

He smiles at random strangers and some will stop to fuss over him. One lady even wanted to carry him but it suddenly occurred to me that she might grab him and run because he’s too cute. (Ok, it wasn’t likely but this is how babies get abducted, y’all.)

He’ll be a heartbreaker, this one.

kids inc, precious moments

Babysitting tag team

Watching the kids interact is one of the warmest and fuzziest parts of being a parent. Ok, maybe not the kind of interaction where they’re clawing each other’s eyes out. I mean the other kind, where nobody’s screaming or bleeding or mortally wounded.

Truett and Kirsten are already pretty tight. They’ve been each other’s person the past 3 years, having spent almost every waking moment together. They get each other’s jokes, are crazy over the same shows, play toys together, watch out for each other and generally enjoy the other person’s company.

I put them at about 78% chummy, 17% you’re-mildly-annoying and 5% apocalyptic-showdown.

It was interesting to see how their dynamics with Finn would be like.

From their interaction so far, Truett is affectionate, but in a quiet, no frills sort of way. He absolutely has to hug and kiss Finn before he leaves for school every morning. Sometimes, he forgets his goodbye kiss when he leaves the house and he’ll have to run back to do it. He does get bored with the baby quite quickly but every time he hugs Finn, he’ll close his eyes and look so blissful it makes me want to cry.

Kirsten, on the other hand, is really relishing her new status as a big sister. She fusses over her baby brother. A lot. She babytalks him, takes toys for him, squashes his head in her arms and is all “I’M GOING TO LOVE YOU WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!”

I figured that I should milk the attention and make the most of it while it lasts. So the other day, she got her first babysitting assignment while I attempted to have a quick breakfast.

Kirsten: Hey baby Finn…Look! jie jie is here.

Finn: Eh…eh…eh…reowwwww

Kirsten: It’s ok, it’s ok. *pats him on the head*

Finn: Reowww…REOWWWWWW

Kirsten: Are you crying? You want jie jie is it?


Kirsten: You see, jie jie is here, no need to cry.


Kirsten: Um, guys?? I need some help here…

Me: Hang in there, mommy’s just going to finish up my coffee.

Kirsten: Ah never mind, I think maybe he wants kor kor, I will go call him.

Me: Sure, you guys sort it out, I’m going to have a croissant as well then.

*They didn’t actually sort it out and I didn’t get to have my croissant but I did manage to have a cup of coffee so I’d say it was a decent first attempt. They’re going to need some practice. 

kids in motion, precious moments, Videos I dig

By far the best rendition of the Macarena ever

Most preschool performances have several things in common – mediocre stage direction, abysmal choreography, average lighting and a very distracted cast. For the most part, it doesn’t even look much like a performance.

But then they usually also have the most enthusiastic audience.

Because there’s a universal rule of parenting that we all adhere to: “When your kid puts up a performance, you scream and cheer like it’s the best thing you’ve ever seen.”

Which is what we did last Friday when the kids had their year-end school performance. I’ve watched it 20 times and it still cracks me up.

And here’s a dose of Hipstamatic Happiness to kick start your Monday.

On another note, the awesome TaoShu iPad app is out and you can download it hereThe kids really love TaoShu – till this day, these are the only Chinese books they will allow me to read.

Also, it’s good to have Petrina Kow back on air every Monday with Joe Augustin. Tune in to Lush 99.5 to check it out.

a spot of singapore, precious moments, the breast things in life are free

Life’s a beach

There are few things in life that are more therapeutic than to feel the soft sand between your toes as the gentle waves sweep across your ankles.

Maybe except watching your kids do it and seeing that hesitant smile turn into a grin of delight.

Or maybe perching them on a tree on a lazy afternoon and resist the urge to sing “Truett and Kirsten sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N…” because it’s wrong on so many levels. Ok, I won’t even go there.

Or maybe building a sand dune together because it doesn’t feel as upsetting when they stomp on it for the 27th time in one afternoon. Stomp away, kids, I did not spend 30 minutes attempting to make a castle with my bare hands.

Or maybe watching my girl spontaneously break into an interpretive dance when a group of boys behind started playing Gym Class Heroes’ Stereo Hearts.

Or just sitting back with the husband, thinking that it really doesn’t have to take a lot for life to be pretty darn awesome.

picture perfect, precious moments

Oh Mickey!

This is Mickey, my mom’s Westie.

He’s been baby-handled by the 2 kids since they were born and over the years, they’ve come to an understanding. They sneak him food from the table and in return, he lets them do whatever they want with him, on condition that they sneak him more food.

They’re practical like that.

We wanted to bring the kids to the beach yesterday and they were all “pretty please, we need to bring Mickey along.” I wasn’t sure if we could handle 2 kids and an enthusiastic dog in an uncontrolled environment but they were very persuasive (as they usually are) and by the time we stepped out of the house, it was with a leash in hand.

They took turns getting taken for a walk by Mickey and we ran helter skelter trying to make sure none of them got lost. Which was quite a feat considering that there’s 3 of them and only 2 of us.

But we love that they love dogs and watching them have that much fun together was absolutely priceless. I think we might just do this again sometime.

how i pretend to be a cool mum, precious moments, to Kirsten with love, to Truett with love

Level up: Baking badges acquired

If you’ve been following me on Facebook and Twitter, you’ll know that I attempted to bake a batch of 50 cupcakes for the kids’ combined birthday party yesterday. It was a big deal because I’m not the baking sort. In fact, I’ve never baked anything in my life, unless you count baked beans, which I basically pour out from a can and put in the microwave.

My original plan was to buy 50 cupcakes from the store but I got to browsing these really pretty cupcakes online and the kids were all like “I want mommy to make.”

Ok kids, challenge accepted.

I mean, anyone can buy cupcakes from a store right but I’m going to be the mom that makes these babies with my own hands. Also partly because my mom is like a baking guru and she helped out a little (ok she did like 28% of the work). The kids contributed another 7%.

They wore their little aprons and helped to pour stuff into the mixer, all pleased to be making their own birthday cupcakes.

We spent all of Friday afternoon mixing, stirring, scooping and arranging little cups as the aroma of freshly baked cupcakes filled the kitchen. Now I know why people bake – there’s a profound sense of satisfaction to be making something so yummy from scratch. Like it’s just a bunch of flour and eggs on the table and then voila, cupcakes! We even made 2 different flavors, chocolate and carrot cake topped with ganache and cream cheese icing.

But then the proof of the pudding (or in this case, cupcake) is in the eating, so here’s the final product.









Word on the street is that they taste pretty good too. Well, at least, the kids seemed to love it.

I guess this means I’ve earned my baking badges and I can go back to buying cupcakes from the store next year.

PS. The three winners have been announced for the Child Label giveaway. Thanks for your support!