It’s been a merry-go-round of flu viruses around here lately. Everyone’s been down, well, except Theo, who seems to have developed the body resistance of a little baby Hulk (a cute one!) and is soldiering on with large doses of my super immunity breastmilk. He was chain-sneezing a little bit for a day or two but then he turned the corner and seems stronger than ever. Yay for breastmilk.
Everyone else, though, has taken turns falling ill. Like hey, who wants a ride on the carousel of sniffles? Step on up! It’s tons of no fun and you’ll get off stricken with drippy noses and chesty coughs. I guess that’s what happens when there are 4 little humans in one house. I need a force field against viruses, urgh.
I’ve been trying to fight this off for days but CODE RED! DANGER, WILL ROBINSON! this fortress has finally been breached. My limbs feel like lead and I’m all sorts of woozy so you probably shouldn’t take what I’m writing too seriously. Also, I’ve taken to spending my time curled up in bed with my sweet little chubby baby, going on marathon nursing sessions. I figured I’d give baby Theo as much antibodies as possible, plus it makes him sleepy, plus it’ll also make him fat and juicy in the process, plus I get to stay in bed all day. WIN to the power of four.
Sometimes, it’s hard to slow down when we’re so used to going at full speed all the time. I feel like I need to have a legit reason to hole in, y’know? It has to take something like a bout of overpowering illness to make us stop. In a weird way, it’s been good for us. This body could do with a reset.
And I realise how badly I’ve needed this. A slow day in bed with my sleepy baby just nursing and dozing off, listening to the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat and his contented baby sighs while the big kids are off spending the day with my in-laws.
Mandatory slow days are nice once in a while but here’s hoping we all get past this real soon.