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milestones & musings

Father Inc, lists you should paste on your fridge, milestones & musings

and Dad’s why you make resolutions

Parenting requires a lot of resolve. Which is why parents, of all people, should make resolutions. (resolve – resolutions – root word, geddit?)  Your approach may mean the difference between your child becoming a Hitler or a Ben Tennyson.

Here are my resolutions for 2010.

1. Must not refer to myself as Superdad.

Seriously guys, I’m totally overrated. I change a few diapers, take a couple of feeds and I get a prefix that implies overriding awesomeness and infinite ability? To me, a Superdad is someone who brings home the bacon – in a vehicle like this.

Honey, I'm home.

2. Must stop calling wife “retard” and “moron” (and vice versa – not in the sense of “must stop calling retards and morons ‘wife'”, but as in Daf should also stop calling me names, ah, you did get it the first time).

This started waaaaaay back in when we were first dating and we attended this “terms of endearment” course in school, the lecturer was going on about semantics,  semiotics and how 80% of  all communication is non-verbal. Which was to say you could call your honey-pumpkin “Nazi Puppy” if you say it in the most awshucks, sweety-pie-sixteen voice and STILL could make her goosebumps stand. You got to try it to believe it.

So in a totally non-derogatory sense we have been calling each other “hey moron“, “what’s up, retard” for years and people around us are so used to it, they think our marriage is on the rocks otherwise “Did you call her ‘sweetheart??’ Are you guys quarreling again?” Plus it *helps* put people at ease when they’re doing projects with us.

[Sidenote: Daf and I pulled of this awesome scam a few years back. We were introduced through a friend of ours to this lady and for some reason she immediately assumed we were siblings (as apparently, we both look alike, fair enough). This went on for almost a year and every single time this lady bumped into us she would go “Hey, why are you guys always together? You’re giving people the wrong idea, how to find girl friend and boyfriend, like that?”

We were having a meal one day with a bunch of friends and she couldn’t help but to remark again on our perpetual proximity to one another until a bewildered mutual friend went “What the hell are you talking about, they’ve been together for 4 years!”

Total awesomeness.]

Thing is Truett has been a sponge of late and taken to calling Daf “baaaaaaabbbbbeee” in the way i call her when she’s across the room/hallway/hawker centre from a distance.  It’s only a matter of time – if we don’t stop – he’s gonna calling his friends mentally-handicapped individuals in the un-PC way.  If people ask, I’ll say something along the lines of how the nurses at Mt A thought he had failed the Oscar test and mentioned it to him repeatedly when he was under phototherapy. Poor boy.

3.  Must stop grinning and nodding approvingly when child does something awesome (but dangerous).

I’m a firm believer that parents should always think their kids are the most awesome (I know, i overuse the word. It’s an “honorable mention” sort of resolution to cut down on it) creatures to have roamed the earth, the finest species of mankind ever produced and vastly superior to all other children be it red or yellow black and white.

But when Tru attempts to fling himself off a 2m high platform and lands immaculately with a shoulder roll (that’s *how* parachutists do it, mate), one must not get carried away with thoughts of son being the incarnate of Maximus Decimus Meridius and do celebratory chariot race around the playground with him on piggy back.

That is because he may actually get injured or worse, die, although I do think its more important that what you do in life echoes in eternity!!

4. Must not play Winning Eleven/Football Manager/FIFA and leave kids unattended.

When you become a parent, you basically surrender all rights to personal rest and recreation. No afternoon naps, no late mornings, no movies, no GAMING.

So on the off-chance I get presented with the opportunity to cradle a Playstation 3 controller in the bosom of my fatherly being (ok, yucky expression), i unleash the repressed desires of my sub-thirty-year-old consciousness to get my GAME ON.

This happens on the weekly visit to Mother-in-law’s house, because Brother-in-law (BIL), despite being only a year younger, is very much single, certainly kidless, free from the shackles of feeds and woggly baby legs. As such his status enables him to be the proud owner of the holy trinity of gaming consoles – the PS3, the XBOX 360 and the Nintendo Wii.

The ideal is when everybody is around i.e.  the adult to baby ratio readjusted to a favourable 5:2 whereby I get to play reasonably undisturbed. The problem only arises in a 2:2 ratio where it becomes a rather iffy situation if the 2 adults are in question BIL  (player 1) and “superdad” a.k.a player 2.

BIL has a rather nifty stereo system hooked up to the gaming “altar” so it drowns out the sound of screaming kids in the adjacent room, not that I *ever* did that. I’m just saying it y’all.

5. Must not buy toys that promote either 300 B.C or 2010A.D violence.

It started off innocuously with two water pistols which i thought would be handy in giving me some added range for taking down those pesky ceiling lizards. However it also marked the introduction of “pulling the trigger”, “aiming”, and “shooting to KILL” to a nineteen-month old boy.

A visit to a friend’s house not too long after became the initiation to swords, then maces then death-by-steamrolling and finally, chainsaws. I’m not even joking about the use of chainsaws; without going into the details it was a game of “doctor” gone wrong – horribly wrong.

Therefore, Truett and Kirsten will play with cuddly bears, petite trucks and vegetarian dinosaurs at most.  That way they may secure a job in the United Nations or Green Peace. And we all know how important the United Nations are.


So that’s my list of parenting resolutions. Feel free to be inspired. You’re welcome.

milestones & musings

Stuff I plan to do this year

It’s taken me 25 days to settle into the new year. I usually put off my resolutions till the frenzy of the new year has abated and the dust has settled somewhat and I have a clearer picture of the year ahead. Then I sit down and think of all the awesome stuff I plan to do this year, like adopt a child (wait, done that, check) and NOT have another baby.

I’m not big on resolutions either. I usually forget all about my resolutions by Feb and conveniently lose the paper I scribbled it down on so that I can blame it on my memory instead of my resolve.

But this year, I have a feeling it’s going to be different. Better.

Here are my resolutions for the year.

1. Not get pregnant again.

You’d think that this would be a no brainer but you obviously haven’t met me. Apparently my ovaries are overachievers and Superdad, I’m not even going to go there. Just take it from me that if I survive the year without getting pregnant, SUCCESS! That’s taking into account that condoms are only 80% effective and vasectomies are cheating. I still intend to have Travis and Hailey sometime in the distant future.

2. Learn to cook.

Cooking is not my thing. All those hours spent chopping and dicing and washing can be put to better use ordering KFC and playing Final Fantasy. I’ve been known to whip up some mind-blowingly good spreads on occasion but I attribute it to my general ability to kick ass at most things I do. Except math and sewing and quantum physics and rocket science. Those, I’m not so good at.

Besides, I’ve got a theory. Cooking good food is an incentive for my kids to want to come home for dinner. Kids are like hounds. They can sniff out good food from a mile off and they will gravitate towards it. Plus, they’ll bring all their friends over to eat and you’ll be the cool mom that bakes better than Betty Crocker. If your food sucks, they’ll find excuses to hang around their friends whose moms can beat you at black pepper crab.

3. Drop another 5kg.

Baby girl has been draining out all my fats so I’m 5kg away from my pre-pregnancy weight. All this without having to diet or exercise. In fact, all I do is sit around and eat while attaching flanges to my boobs. In 4 months, I dropped 20kgs without even breaking a sweat. But the last 5 has been pesky to say the least. The weight loss seems to have stagnated and I’m starting to get a little worried. I’m also considering weaning her off breastmilk completely sometime in the next 6 months. That does not bode well for my ass.

4. Spend alone time with the husband.

Especially since Kirsten was born, it’s been impossible to have any time alone with the husband. And I mean time that we are not doing laundry or washing dishes or expressing milk. We need to go out again like we used to. I don’t care if we’re eating McD’s under a bridge. We need to take time off to relax and do crazy things like touch the bottoms of random strangers or tell a burly indian man who seems like he could beat your head in that “I am your father“.

5. Pay attention to the kids.

It’s easy to be around the kids but not really be around. Sometimes I get so swamped by the routine and all the chores that I’m like an all-in-one factory line. That’s when I gotta drop everything and go crazy with the kids so that they know they’re more important than everything else. It’s not going to hurt if they eat frozen pizza for a day because mommy was too busy playing pirates and robbers.

That’s enough for now. On retrospect, 5 seems like an awful lot of resolutions. Maybe I’ll just start with #1.

milestones & musings

I may or may not be having another kid after all

Relax, I’m not pregnant. Although I am considering adopting a child from a third world country. And I figured I’d skip the whole baby phase altogether and adopt a grown adult. Still counts though.

An email I got several days ago.

From Miss Lorenda Tejan-Sie
Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire.

Dear Beloved One

It is a good thing to write you. I have a proposal for you. This however is not mandatory nor will I in any manner compel you to honour against your will.

I am Miss Lorenda Tejan-Sie, the only daughter of my late parents Sir and Mrs Augustus Tejan-Sie. My father was a highly reputable business magnet-(a Cocoa Merchant, Diamond and Gold Dealer) who operated in the capital of Ivory Coast during his days. It is sad to say that he passed away mysteriously in France during one of his business trips abroad some months ago.

Before his death some months ago he called the secretary who accompanied him to the hospital and told him that he has the sum of Eleven Million, Eight Hundred Thousand United State Dollars.(USD$11.800) deposited in  a SECURITY COMPANY here in Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire.

He further told him that he deposited the Consignment in my name as the next of kin, and he registered the Consignment as Family Valuables as security reasons.
I am a university undergraduate and really don’t know what to do.
Now I want a foreign partner who will assist me to retrieve this consignment from the SECURITY COMPANY here in Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire.

Your suggestions and ideas will be highly regarded.

Now permit me to ask these few questions: –

1.Can you kindly tell me what type of profitable ventures that this fund will use to invest to avoid waste of it.
2). Can you honestly help me as your daughter?
3). Can I completely trust you?
4). What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after you have retrieved this consignment from the company?
Expecting to hear from you.

Thank you so much.

Yours Sincerely,
Miss Lorenda Tejan-Sie

I usually trash mails that ask me for kidneys, corneas and the like but I can’t bring myself to say no to a girl who *wants* to be my daughter.

So I wrote back.

Dear Lorenda,

This is Daphne here from Motherinc. Thank you so much for your email and you must know part of what I do everyday is to help small children (I’ll make an exception for you seeing that you have eleven million dollars). I would just like to confirm one small detail –  you put the figure in prose as “Eleven Million, Eight Hundred Thousand United State Dollars” but in brackets later on its (USD$11.800). Which looks like Eleven Dollars and Eighty Cents to me since I am pretty sure that’s a decimal point and even if its a comma you’re short of a fair bit of zeroes. My question is – is that how they do it in Ivory Coast?

Warmest Regards,

I wasn’t sure if I’d get a reply but lo and behold.

From Miss Lorenda Tejan-Sie
Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire.

Dear Beloved One,

I am very grateful for your understanding in this matter that has been much troubling for me the past many months. I would confirm in matter of fact that the amount is in numerals, $118,000,000,000.

Please let me know as your daughter if I can completely trust you and what percentage of the amount I can be honouring you as the kind advisor of this expenditure of money that could be investment for further expansion.

Yours Sincerely,
Miss Lorenda Tejan-Sie

I was never that good at Math in school so anything above thousands look pretty much the same to me.

Dear Lorenda,

This is Daphne here from Motherinc again. Thank you so much for your clarification – we noticed that this time there were three extra zeroes in your figure given to us but I think we get the idea that you have a lot of money, laugh out loud (LOL).

I have many ideas for successful businesses and I will send several proposals by courier because they’re all top secret. Either that or we can arrange a meeting to discuss the details face to face.

However, I would require an initial outlay of only $1180000 and I will ensure a steady profit of 1-2.5% per annum from the eighth year of operation onwards.

Do let us know if it is a workable arrangement.

Warmest Regards,

Two days ago, I got another reply.

From Miss Lorenda Tejan-Sie
Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire.

Dear Beloved One,

Seeing you in person is a happy proposition Daphne I however is stuck in Abidjan this season of the year as I have legal issues in the plenty to be settled. However if you can fly over by the 20th day of the month after which I will depart to Lyon to continue the investigation amidst which I may be under heavy protection by the government due to the sad and malign situation of my family. You need to get here the soonest as possible as time is of the essence and I no longer know my next steps or even the days that are numbered.

I am also concerned regarding your sum as based on my calculations if you take $118000000 and take away  $11800000 you will leave me with only one 0 which is not a very good arrangement. Never the least we can always discuss this matter please arrange to meet me on the 20th day of the month at Aberdijan Airport at 1800hours Eastern Time.

Thank you for your kindness and see you real soon.

Yours Sincerely,
Miss Lorenda Tejan-Sie

This was closely followed up by another mail.

From Miss Lorenda Tejan-Sie
Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire.

Dear Beloved One,

I cannot write long as i am in dire situation. The truth is my uncle is on my chase and I am soonest about to be caught by the devils in his gang of this town. They are planning for a ransom for me but no one will believe that I am indeed in his arms.

Daphne, only you know what is on going here in my life. We are like family with the trust we have exchanged. The ransom amount will be $18,000 US dollars, a small amount comparatively to the value that is on my life from my father’s empire. But he must not know that. You need to bring the money and meet me at the same place and time.

You are my last hope.

Yours Sincerely,

Miss Lorenda Tejan-Sie

I’m not sure how this adoption thing works but it seems like having adults isn’t such a good idea. I think I’ll stick to having babies instead. Less danger involved.

milestones & musings

Happy half-year birthday, baby girl

To my little princess,

You’re finally six months old. I couldn’t wait for you to reach this age because let’s face it, having a newborn is tough. You’ll understand when you have your own kids. The excitement of having a new baby wears off after 2 days and after that, you’re all like “I wish I gave this whole childbearing thing a little more thought” and “OMG please make this baby go back where it came from so she would stop crying“.

What, you thought I was going to wax lyrical about how wonderful it is to wake up every 25 minutes in the middle of the night not knowing how to make you fall asleep? Trust me, the novelty loses its charm.

Six months ago, I didn’t think I would survive having 2 kids back to back. My days and nights were one long, never-ending cycle of feeds and screaming and diaper changes and burping and more screaming and 15-minute naps and milk expressing and some more screaming.

Today, I welcome this milestone with open arms and much relief but also some wistfulness.

For most of that six months, I held you and sang to you and told you stories while you sat on my tummy and gazed into my eyes. Some days I wished you would grow up sooner so that I could talk to you about all the fun stuff we’d do next time like shopping in Paris and nibbling profiteroles on the Upper East Side. But I know that when you’re a little bigger, I’m really going to miss all those amazing baby moments I really love.

Like how I love the way your head flopped around and your legs gave way after exactly 2 seconds. I love how you gurgled when I told you stories about princesses and dragons. I love how you reserve your chuckles only for the really hilarious moments so that it’s special. I love the wide-eyed wonder whenever you see something new. I love how you suck on all four fingers instead of your thumb. In a weird way, I really love how much you need me now like I’m your entire world.

Soon enough, your legs will be strong enough to stand without my help and you’ll be off running to see the world. You’ll be big enough to read stories on your own and make your own friends and fall in love with boys (but just choose 1 to marry, ok) and live life without needing momma by your side all the time. I’m going to miss having baby you when that happens.

Thanks for sticking with me even though I killed your bear. And all those times that I had no idea how to make you feel better, thanks for looking at me like I’m the best momma in the world.

You know, the toughest thing about being a mom is knowing what’s best for you and loving you the way you need to be loved as you grow. To let go when I need to and stay close enough so that you know I’ll always be around when you need me. If I ever get too clingy, it’s only because in my eyes, you’re always going to be my baby. Even when you’re 25 and married. But I promise to be cool, or at least try.



milestones & musings, seriously somewhat serious, Videos I dig

My mother is going to kill me for posting this video. Also we made her cry.

My momma turned 50 yesterday, which makes her as old as my country but in the grand scheme of things, that’s really young considering she’s already got 2 grandkids. Besides, if you looked at her, you probably wouldn’t think she’s a day past 35. (cha-ching, 1000 points for me)

Since the big 5-0 is pretty huge, we decided to throw her a surprise birthday bash and invited all her bosom buddies. Our only aim was to make her cry so we pulled out all the stops to put it all together. She was invited to a friend’s place thinking that it would be a small dinner and we all hid in the bedroom while she was made to watch a cheesy video which we made. After which, we all rushed out with the cake and presents yelling SURPRISE!

Good thing was, we did manage to make her cry but on the downside, she is now going to kill me for posting the video with all her old photos on my blog for the world to see.

Here are my final words so I better make it count.

Mom, you only turn 50 once, and that means people get to go on a journey of all your fashion disasters. It’s all part of the package. Plus, it makes you look so much more stunning now in comparison.

When I used to drive you up the wall, you used to say “wait till you have your own kids and you will understand”. Then I used to say, “when I have my own kids, I’ll be the coolest mom in the universe. They will eat ice-cream all day and party till midnight”. Now all I can say is I was a moron and you were absolutely right. Now I do understand.

I used to wish that I had a cooler mom like Madonna or Barbara Bush because then I’d be famous and I could brag about having a superstar/first lady as my mom. Then I realized that I already do have the best mom in the world and I’m glad I don’t have to deal with explaining why my mother is dating a guy my age. Also, skirt suits with silk blouses give me the creeps.

You’ve always taught me to love God and love people. To give my best in everything that I do. To be a person with integrity and character. To have a spine in the face of adversity. To give honor where it’s due. To be generous and kind. To be faithful till the end.

Most of these lessons I learnt just watching you live your life.

Thank you for always believing the best in us and praying for us. Everything I know about being a mom I learnt from you. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I’m really, really glad you’re my mom.

With lots of love as always.


milestones & musings

Of all the things to be, it’s best to be thankful

Thanksgiving is not big here but it should be though. We all need to remember to be thankful once in a while, before we get so caught up in how life’s not fair because we don’t have a private jet in our backyard.

When you’re thankful, you look at what you have rather than what you don’t have. When you’re thankful, you can give to others because you’ve been given much. When you’re thankful, you find the silver lining.

So it’s good for me to take time just to be thankful and to teach the kids to do the same. I woke up this morning and here’s all the stuff that I’m thankful for.

For a husband who is my best friend and my pillar of strength. When I get insomnia after watching Harry Potter and the HBP at midnight (because it’s scary alright), he stays up to hug me and tell me that he’ll protect me if death eaters come knocking. Then he wakes up early to watch the kids while I sleep in because I had a rough night.

For the most awesome kids in the history of kids. They’re beautiful and happy and healthy and they make me smile even when I’m up to my elbows in human excretions.

For a family that I love and who loves me. That even though we’re not perfect and we don’t see eye to eye all the time, family means that we stick together no matter what. As far as families go, sometimes that’s all we need. Sticking together. Also, they help me watch the kids so we can take a breather every week.

For friends, new and old. There’s nothing better than having old friends to share a cuppa with. And for new friends, who in time to come, will become old friends.

But above all, I’m most thankful because I know what it means to be loved unconditionally. That no matter how bad things get, I know that it’s going to be ok because God is good. Like really, really good.

Funny or So I think, milestones & musings

Why I’ll probably never have a ginormous jacuzzi in my bathroom

You know how sometimes you look back in life and there’s that moment where everything changed. Where there was a fork in the road and you had to choose one or the other. Red pill or blue pill. When your heart is telling you to go one way but your head is screaming out to take the other path. And you’re like “eeny meeny miny moe, let’s flip a coin” because you’re too scared to choose wrong and regret it for the rest of your life. At least if it screws up you can blame it on the damn coin.

Right about this time last year, I had one of those lovely moments.

I did the one thing every person fantasized about doing at one point or another in their career. I swaggered into my boss’ office with the Eye of the Tiger blasting in the soundtrack of my head and threw down my resignation letter. “Hey boss, I QUIT! BTW, this job sucks and I’m being paid way less than I deserve. Plus I’ve been posting ads in the men-seeking-men-classified-column in your name, which should explain all the weird calls you’ve been getting.”

I totally did that in my head, except that my boss was a really nice guy and I kinda liked my job (because I kicked ass at it and it paid me relatively well) and I hate the Eye of the Tiger.

But I did resign from my job to chill out at home and watch Grey’s Anatomy. Oh, and also to watch the little squirt after I wake up from my afternoon siesta. (I only had one back then – kid, not nap).

The quitting was easy once I had made up my mind, but the month leading up to it was agonizing to say the least. The moment Tru was born, I knew that I would be happiest taking care of him myself. We considered every possible childcare option but after 8 days with a maid from hell and visits to countless infantcare centers, I couldn’t bring myself to pick any of them. They all seemed so cold and sterile. I had no doubt that they were all prolific at feeding and nappy changes, but honestly, it just wasn’t good enough.

I need my kids to grow up giggling themselves silly everyday. To stuff cookies up their nostrils and fingers into other orifices and not be taught to sit quietly in a corner. They’ve got to know that Mommy wasn’t too busy chasing the next promotion to sit down and read to them. That when they bump their head and get a boo boo, Aunty Minah is not they first person they run to for comfort. That when they look back on their childhood years from now, they won’t struggle to remember having fun with mama save for a handful of weekends to the zoo and goodnight kisses when they’re already half asleep.

So that’s my heart talking.

But on the other hand, I like having a job. Having adult conversations over a Caramel Macchiato. Having Caramel Macchiatos, period. Dressing up and feeling important productive. Being able to bark orders at minions and use words like “commoditization” and “media engagement”. And most of all, being paid enough to fund my shopping sprees and holidays.

If I really quit my job, that’s half the income up in flames. How would we ever survive? I would  have to stay home and eat raw potatoes everyday (to save on the electricity, duh).

For a month, we butchered the budget and sold off internal organs (only useless ones like the spleen and appendix) and did everything we could to make the numbers add up while I cried myself to sleep every night thinking of Tru all alone in a fancypants infantcare centre. Then finally we decided to bite the bullet and do it. Take the plunge.

It’s been twelve whole months since and I still haven’t eaten the babies (out of hunger or insanity), so great success! I even have my retort all planned out for when the kids ask me why we don’t have an 8-seater jacuzzi in the bathroom. First I’ll whip their asses and then I’ll be all like “Kids, you should be thankful that we don’t have a large ass hot tub in the bathroom because you’d have grown up being tortured by a nut job and become delinquents and eventually incarcerated while daddy and mommy jet-setted around the globe. Then what good would a jacuzzi be? You’re welcome.”