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milestones & musings

milestones & musings, precious moments

You’re just too good to be true

Baby Finn just giggled for the first time.

I had him in my arms and we were dancing to my rendition of Winter Wonderland in the kitchen when his face lit up with the goofiest smile I’ve ever seen and he was all “hur hur…hur hur hur hur hur…”

I wasn’t sure what to make of that because I wasn’t even trying to be funny but he seemed to think it was.

And then I tried Frankie Valli’s Can’t Take My Eyes Off You and he was giggling uncontrollably.

I’ve forgotten what it’s like to hear a baby giggle for the first time and it is the most beautiful sound in the entire world.

milestones & musings

8 weeks…and a milestone

It finally happened.

We all went to bed at 12.05 last night and the next time I opened my eyes to check the clock, it was 6.38 am. I couldn’t believe it, so I put on my specs, drew the curtains and it was true. I could see the faint streaks of daybreak making its way across the morning sky.

I thought maybe the lack of sleep was getting to me. That maybe I did wake up in the middle of the night for a feed and forgot about it. But then again, having to haul my ass out of bed in the middle of the night is the kind of wretched feeling I’m not likely to forget.

So I guess that means one thing: Finn has made it through his first night without waking up for a feed.

Oh, what’s that sound? It’s my sleep-deprived mommy brain doing a victory dance after sleeping 6 hours and 33 minutes.


And right on cue too, because he turns 8 weeks old today. Not that we’re having a competition or anything, but Kirsten did start sleeping through the night at 8 weeks old so it’s the record to beat around here.

Suddenly my life seems so much more beautiful.

PS. From experience, I fully expect him to regress over the next couple of weeks, but there is finally light at the end of my dark and sleepless tunnel.

PPS. Hang on, I’m going to pour myself a glass bubbly to celebrate.

PPPS. A glass of bubbly bubble tea, I mean.

how i pretend to be a cool mum, lists you should paste on your fridge, milestones & musings, unqualified parenting tips

Lessons from a 3rd time mom

When I first had Truett, I was as uptight as a new parent could be. My life was a variation of the following scenarios:

“He was supposed to take his nap 3.17 minutes ago, now his schedule is all ruined it’s a disaster!”

“Why is he not drinking his milk, quick call the PD for a consult!!”

“He fell asleep on the baby swing? ANOTHER DISASTER – WAKE HIM UP NOW!!!”


Thanks to all the expert baby books, I had a lot of rules to follow. No rocking to sleep. No falling asleep while drinking milk. No pacifier. I had a strict 3-hour schedule to abide by, right down to the minute.

Then I had a second kid and decided to break some of the rules. Turns out, the world didn’t come to an end and the baby did just fine. I realized that while some of those rules were good, they’re supposed to help make my life easier, not harder. And having my panties all up in a bunch all the time wasn’t making my life easier.

Now with the third kid, I’ve learnt some lessons that I thought I’d share.

1. Every baby is different. 

Some babies sleep more than others. Some babies need more attention. Some babies love being rocked to sleep, some babies hate it. Some babies thrive on having a fixed routine, some are a little more flexible. Which brings me to my next point…

2. Do what works for you and your baby. 

There isn’t just one right way to parent. Be a helicopter parent or an attachment parent or a sleep-training commando parent or a combination of all of the above. If it works for you, don’t let anyone guilt you into feeling otherwise.

3. Sometimes, it’s ok to break the rules. 

It’s ok if baby misses a nap or stays awake for an extra 27 minutes. Be a badass and break the rules. Or be a badass and don’t.

4. Enjoy the process. 

It’s hard to enjoy the baby when you’re stressed out and frustrated half the time. Take a break if you can afford the time. Watch your favorite drama, take a long shower, have a cup of coffee – do what makes you happy, even if it’s just for a while.

I used to be so hung up over trying to be the perfect mom that I allowed myself no margin for error. But guess what? This whole parenting process is one of trial and error. And I’m fine with the fact that I’ll never be a perfect mom.

As long as my kids think I’m a rockstar, I’m think I’m ok.

coolest kids ever, milestones & musings, picture perfect, playgrounds!

The Perfect Party

You know how kids’ birthday parties are, right? Venue, theme, decor, balloons, streamers, pretty hanging things, party bags, games, activities, cake. OH, THE CAKE. Back in my time, we’re lucky to get a tacky 2-D one with a deformed dinosaur that looked like Barney’s mutated half-cousin. These days, the cakes are jaw-dropping and I won’t be surprised if in another couple of years, kids will be having life-sized cakes that will sing and do cartwheels on cue.

It’s crazy having to put together a party and I’m glad they only come around once a year. Plus we usually make it a combined affair so we only have to go through the madness once.

This year’s birthday bash for the kids happened yesterday and let me just say that I’ve never been to a more awesome party in all my 30 years.

First of all, the venue. Prior to the party, we sourced for over a dozen venues all over Singapore to find a suitable location. We wanted something cosy, chill and preferably outdoors (but not too hot) where the adults could enjoy a nice afternoon tea. But most importantly, we needed a place to contain the mayhem and keep the kids entertained.

So when we visited Seb’s Bistro & The Playhouse at Rochester, we fell in love with the beautiful al fresco dining area with lush surroundings. That there was an entire 2-story air-conditioned playhouse right next to it made it a winner. It was perfect.

Being as aesthetically-challenged as we are, decor usually means going out and buying a bunch of balloons, some banners and taping them randomly to the walls. But we got smart so instead of struggling with the decor and party planning like we usually do, we handed over all the planning to Jen and Van, the lovely ladies from Party Perfect.

Best. Decision. Ever.

All we needed to do was to pick a theme and let them do all the work. The kids are still in their pirate phase so this was a no-brainer…Scallywags and Buccaneers, Ahoy!

When we arrived, it was like stepping into a pirate wonderland, which is the nice kind made for cute little pint-sized pirates. There were gorgeous pirate loot bags, a pirate ship with cut out figurines, personalized pirate cupcakes, pirate hats, a treasure chest, pirate cutlery, pirate balloons, and pretty hanging pirate cloth things.

In addition to the dining area downstairs, The Playhouse also allocated the 2nd-floor party room for the kids to hang out.

The folks at Seb’s Bistro take their parties very seriously so they don’t just leave the kids in the room on their own. They pull out all the stops to make sure the kids are engaged and having fun, which is a tall order considering that we had kids ranging from aged 2 to 10.

Meet Imran, an incredible party host. He conducted the games, sang songs, made them dance, got them to do silly actions and did a spectacular job of keeping the kids entertained.

We also had Queenie from Artybody work her body-painting magic on the kids during the party. Ok, seriously, her work is amazing. Each person she paints is a stunning piece of art and she’s able to do anything from superheroes to sparkly princesses. I’ll never forget her epic Hulk creation during Happee Day almost 2 years ago.

The paints are totally safe for kids as she uses only professional face paints which are U.S. FDA-approved, as well as cosmetic-grade glitter and stickers. They were able to last the entire afternoon and washing off was really easy. We just had to rinse with water and a gentle cleanser, so no painful face scrubbing involved.

Just look at this final product on Tru’s hands. Consider my mind blown.

Kirsten naturally went for a princess look and she was so pleased with her “pretty princess paint”, as she called it for the rest of the afternoon.

Remember how I was saying that the cakes are out of control these days? I’ve seen some unbelievable cake creations in the past couple of years but this, ladies and gentlemen, this masterpiece by The Patissier totally takes the cake.

I’ve heard some really amazing things about The Patissier, like how their head baker and co-owner was trained in the time-honored techniques of the great French patissiers at the Cordon Bleu, London. That their designs are a joy to behold. And that their cakes taste even better than they look.

But nothing prepared me for this cake.

Believe it or not, almost everything is edible. There’s the giant pirate ship made out of brownie and icing sugar, the pair of pirate figurines, the palm trees, the gold-dusted skulls, the gold doubloons, the treasure map, the chest of jewels, the sea animals and shells all on a gorgeous seawater cake board.

Then at the bottom were 5 x 500g mousse cakes made up of 3 separate flavors: Chocolate Dream, Strawberry Delight and Mango Madness. All 3 flavors were ridiculously delicious, which explains why they were all gone in record time.

Here’s Kirsten still admiring the cake while munching on her fries.

We had the most fabulous time and a heartfelt thank you to everyone who made it possible. As well as all the friends and family who took the time to come by.

Till next year, mateys!

milestones & musings

A Mother’s Day to remember

Yesterday morning, I woke up to a barrage of baby kisses.

I smiled and said, “Awww thanks kids, was that for Mother’s Day?”

They looked at me like ok, what is this Mother’s Day you speak of?

“Um, so what’s all the kisses for?”

“Because I just love you lah.”

And then my heart exploded into a thousand tiny pieces. Who needs Mother’s Day when I get smothered with baby kisses just because.

Although that didn’t stop me from milking the most out of my Mother’s Day. It does only happen once a year after all.

Hope you had a smashing one too!

milestones & musings

Ain’t too old to party

In view of the big 3-0, the husband put together a surprise party on Sunday evening.

I’m not typically one for big parties and I’ve always thought it to be overly self-indulgent to be celebrating my birthday past the age of 12. Besides, I was pretty bummed to finally be on the wrong side of 30 and I was secretly hoping the day would come and go quietly so I wouldn’t have to pay much attention to it.

But of course the husband knew better so he gathered a couple of good friends and planned the most amazing party a girl could ask for.

It was extra special because I know he doesn’t like to sing in public but he took the mic and belted out the sweetest rendition of U2’s All I Want Is You I’ve ever heard. And then he added a couple of verses to the poem he wrote 7 years ago when he proposed. I cried the first time I heard it and this time, I was totally crying on the inside.

Here’s a big thank you to everyone who took the time off your Sunday evening to be there, you guys really made it special. An extra mention has to go out to JQ and Pearlyn for the wonderful place, to Feng from After Hours for the music and to Sean Lee for the photos.

Seriously, I couldn’t think of a better way to turn 30.