To kickstart my homeschooling program, today was all about construction toys. The objectives: creative thinking, finger dexterity, following instructions, learning to focus, all that jazz.
See, much as I’d like them to become a rock star or a heart surgeon, I need to prepare them in case they ever want to become a construction worker. I’m considerate like that.
My mom got them these wooden sets from Plan Toys for Christmas and we only just got around to playing with them today.

I made these by looking at pictures of the finished models. 15 minutes a pop.
We poured out all the parts onto the table and I was all like “Tru, can you build momma a sailboat”, hoping it would keep him occupied for at least a half hour. He fiddled with the parts for a minute then shoved it to me and said “mommy build”.
So that was that. Lesson over.
It turned out that I had a lot more fun building all these models than they did. My inner geek was rocking out to construction toys for 3-year-olds while they ditched me and went to harass my sister instead. It took me 15 minutes to complete one and I was showing it off to the kids like “see, momma made you a race car”. They looked at it for all of 5 seconds and said “I don’t like the car, mommy build airplane”.
Great, after 15 minutes and fingers like a claw, I have to take it apart and make something else, which they will look at for 5 seconds. It’s a good thing I actually enjoy making them.
Maybe tomorrow we’ll do something easier, like one of those doctor sets.