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baby talk

baby talk

It’s all about the wordplay

it's ticklish!

In recent months, I’ve heard the kids say some of the most random and hilarious things, both to us and to each other. I’ve been telling myself to make a list of the best ones because these are too good to forget and I should really store them somewhere before they fall out of my brain.

Here are some of my favourites:

Kirsten: You know why I’m never going on the tower of terror again? It’s scary and (*whispers*) it makes my vagina very ticklish.

Tru: Kirsten, you must tell me when you fall asleep ok! Kirsten: OK!

Kirsten: Why is the elephant’s nose very long? Tru: I know! Because he tell lies.

Kirsten: When I become 100 years old, I’ll be super tall like a giant. Tru: No, you’ll probably be dead.

Tru: Eating vegetables makes my throat gross and squashy, like I want to vomit.

Kirsten: Adults can do whatever the like but children must just be quiet and listen. Except babies. Babies can also do whatever they like.

One time one kid (I’m not saying who) pooped on the floor in the room when both the toilets were being used. And then the person said “I don’t know what happened, it just dropped out.”

baby talk

Four and two makes six

coming soon

You knew this was going to happen, didn’t you?

It’s happening. #4 is happening. We’re having a new addition to the family – arriving soon, in the summer of 2014.

So, details.

Just this one time (and we know exactly when it happened), we thought ok, since we were sort of open to the idea of having another baby but come on, obviously such things take time and according to my calculations, the odds weren’t high at that point and what the heck, let’s just take our chances and live dangerously and all that and next thing I knew, I got all vomitty and *DING DING DING*, CONGRATULATIONS, HERE’S A BABY.

Like I said, anyhowly touch also…

Well, It’s early in the pregnancy. I’m about 7 weeks in and I thought I’d keep it under wraps for another month or so but I’m at a point where I have to talk about the pregnancy symptoms (which are killing me, btw). Besides, by now, nobody’s really surprised anymore. They can all see it coming a mile away and everyone I’ve told is like “don’t say it, let me guess, you’re totally pregnant” and like the husband says, I practically live my life on the internet so it’s not like a national secret or anything. Also, I am very excite! As excited as one can be during a fourth pregnancy, I guess.

We’re glad, of course. I’m hoping it’s a girl because I NEED ANOTHER GIRL BABY. I’m not equipped to deal with 3 boys worth of testosterone slash madness. But then I really wanted Finn to be a girl and look how well that turned out. Ok, kidding. He’s turned out to be perfect in every way, my little heartbreaker.

But I have a feeling this one’s probably a girl. And we’re going to call her Hayley.

In any case, this is the last pregnancy I’ll ever have because after I give birth, let me state for the record that this factory is officially closed. That’s it, four and done.

But for now, it’s just the beginning. 8 more months, let’s go.

baby talk

My babies on babies

Truett: Mom, next time when you have another baby, can you make 2 boys? With the same face.

Me: You mean twins?

Truett: YES! Twins!

Me: It’s not like I’m ordering them from a store, y’know. I can’t make twins at will and even if I have a choice, I will most certainly not make 2 more boys. The girls are already outnumbered as it is.

Truett: If I have 2 more brothers, then there will be 5 boys and the boys will win.

Me: I’m not sure what the boys will be winning exactly but this all sounds like a terrible game to me.

Truett: It will be a fun game. We will have so much fun.

Me: This is my uterus we’re talking about. I’m going with a no.


Kirsten: Sometimes, I think Finn Finn doesn’t like me.

Me: Why do you say that, sweetheart? That’s not true, Finn Finn adores you to bits.

Kirsten: Then why is he crying at me? I try to give him my toys but he make a crying face at me.

Me: He’s not really crying at you. He’s just crying in general and you happen to be there. He’s just a baby and when he’s upset, he needs to let it out.

Kirsten: Next time when he cries, I think you should carry him. Cannot just let him cry, cry, cry, ok?

Me: Wow, I seriously cannot wait for you to have your own babies.


Truett: How come our family have no babies except us?

Me: What do you mean?

Truett: Like Kao Fu, Aunty Bernie, Yiyi all got no babies. Then we have so many?

Me: Ahem, well, that’s somewhat true, I guess.

Kirsten: I know! Because Yiyi is not married so she cannot have babies. She needs to faster marry somebody first.

Truett: Kao Fu and Aunty Bernie are already married so they can have SO MANY babies.

Me: Hahahhahahah. You guys can go tell them yourselves.

