blogging about blogging

Thanks Google, but really not helping

I got an email this afternoon from a lovely lady who is a long-time reader of the blog. She was both baffled and a little concerned that while doing her usual search for “mother inc” on Google, the top hit was a link describing a porn site.

I’m guessing it was describing porn because it’s got the words sex + video in them, so unless it’s like one of those educational videos employing the artful use of vegetables, I’m pretty certain I’m right.

Obviously I was all “no way, that’s bizarre” and went to google it and true enough, it was right there, except that my description was slightly different, containing several words that cannot be replicated on this blog for reasons that are fairly obvious. Then I made the husband google it too and his version was also different from mine. And he was like “maybe google is trying to help you drive traffic and you should thank them, you know how porn sites always have exceptional traffic.”

So now if you google ‘”motherinc.org”, it’ll be like you’re taking part in a lucky dip, only instead of winning anything of real value, you get to stick your hand into a grab bag of very bad porn-related words. I highly recommend not doing it.

Although I just realized that now, Google will be able to link to this post and say “aha, you actually did say porn, sex and video…PWN!” and it would indeed be legitimate. Nice move, Google.

PS. Also, don’t be alarmed if you see a description for porn linking here. It’s all part of the plan. Which is another way of saying I don’t have the foggiest idea what to do about it.

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  • Reply Edmund April 1, 2011 at 1:21 am

    Oh Wow! :) Wat a way to go up the google rankings! :)

  • Reply Marty J. Christopher April 1, 2011 at 10:47 am

    I wonder if some part of your blog wasn’t hacked and they pasted that code in or something? Perhaps in the comments, too? It seems strange that that would keep coming up. I couldn’t resist…I googled it to see if it was true.
    : O )
    Marty J. Christopher´s last post ..And the caravan has all my friends

    • Reply Daphne April 5, 2011 at 11:24 am

      I’m really not sure, my spam filter captures most of them but the comment system has been a little wonky of late too.

  • Reply WaveSurfer April 1, 2011 at 4:46 pm

    My thoughts are that one of your ads might have hidden ‘codes’ thus causing the Google bot to capture those meta words for use in their search engine for your blog?

    Scary indeed…
    WaveSurfer´s last post ..Enrichment Classes at CC

    • Reply Daphne April 5, 2011 at 11:26 am

      Thanks, I’m not even carrying many ads except for the Google ones and a couple of text-link ads. If anything, it’s Google’s fault – again, not helping, Google.

  • Reply sengkangbabies April 3, 2011 at 11:36 pm

    Mine got people searching for “boy + girl stuff” hitting on my blog, these sick pediofixx are from India and Middle-East !! Better censor all nude kids photos in your blog :p
    sengkangbabies´s last post ..Batam Day 2 Family Fun- Swimming and Kids activities

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