baby talk

My babies on babies

Truett: Mom, next time when you have another baby, can you make 2 boys? With the same face.

Me: You mean twins?

Truett: YES! Twins!

Me: It’s not like I’m ordering them from a store, y’know. I can’t make twins at will and even if I have a choice, I will most certainly not make 2 more boys. The girls are already outnumbered as it is.

Truett: If I have 2 more brothers, then there will be 5 boys and the boys will win.

Me: I’m not sure what the boys will be winning exactly but this all sounds like a terrible game to me.

Truett: It will be a fun game. We will have so much fun.

Me: This is my uterus we’re talking about. I’m going with a no.


Kirsten: Sometimes, I think Finn Finn doesn’t like me.

Me: Why do you say that, sweetheart? That’s not true, Finn Finn adores you to bits.

Kirsten: Then why is he crying at me? I try to give him my toys but he make a crying face at me.

Me: He’s not really crying at you. He’s just crying in general and you happen to be there. He’s just a baby and when he’s upset, he needs to let it out.

Kirsten: Next time when he cries, I think you should carry him. Cannot just let him cry, cry, cry, ok?

Me: Wow, I seriously cannot wait for you to have your own babies.


Truett: How come our family have no babies except us?

Me: What do you mean?

Truett: Like Kao Fu, Aunty Bernie, Yiyi all got no babies. Then we have so many?

Me: Ahem, well, that’s somewhat true, I guess.

Kirsten: I know! Because Yiyi is not married so she cannot have babies. She needs to faster marry somebody first.

Truett: Kao Fu and Aunty Bernie are already married so they can have SO MANY babies.

Me: Hahahhahahah. You guys can go tell them yourselves.



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  • Reply Daphne Maia July 29, 2013 at 10:42 am

    HAHAHAHAH THIS IS HILARIOUS! <3 Kids really do say the darnednest things! I guess their kao fu and auntie bernie are going to face some serious questioning from the kids soon! :P
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    • Reply Daphne July 29, 2013 at 1:52 pm

      hahahha i wouldn’t want to be in that conversation. *awkward*

  • Reply Ai Sakura July 29, 2013 at 11:03 am

    “It’s not like I’m ordering them from a store, y’know.”

    Ahhahaha exactly what I tell my girl when she asks for a little sister/brother! it’s not really that easy, after all ;)
    Ai Sakura´s last post ..Kiwi & Oreo Cream Popsicles {Creamsicles} Recipe #AmazingZespri

    • Reply Daphne July 29, 2013 at 1:53 pm

      So cute that they think we can make babies at will like picking from a catalogue. They’ll give me a list of demands like i want a girl with long hair and looks like me. Um, I want also cannot.

  • Reply Adeline July 29, 2013 at 11:09 am

    Out of the mouth of babes, eh? Anyway, it’s great that you recorded what Kirsten said about carrying baby Finn when he cries. Wait till she has her own kids, and show this to her when she doesn’t want to be held hostage by her crying babies!
    Adeline´s last post ..Big Latch On at Emily Hill

    • Reply Daphne July 29, 2013 at 1:54 pm

      Hahah I can’t wait for that day!! Actually it will be super cute when she has her own kids and I will spoil them rotten.

  • Reply Ally July 29, 2013 at 12:59 pm

    I like the 1st three conversations you had with your kids.
    The way they see and say things, ha…is sometimes what caught us off guard.
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    • Reply Daphne July 29, 2013 at 1:55 pm

      I know right?!! Sometimes, I don’t know where they’re going with a conversation but then it’s like “ok, I certainly didn’t see it that way…”

  • Reply SengkangBabies July 29, 2013 at 1:33 pm

    haha, cute speeches again, with such fun loving siblings, I wonder what Finn would be contemplating :p

    My little ones love to play “parents’ too, and suddenly she has upgraded herself to a Grandma. Me looking at the Mrs, “Huh, What’s happening?”

    cheers, Andy
    SengkangBabies´s last post ..NDP 2013 NE3

    • Reply Daphne July 29, 2013 at 1:55 pm

      It’ll be so cute once Finn starts to talk! That’ll be fun. :)

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