art attack

Back to the drawing board

Nap times used to be my favorite times of the day because much as I enjoy their company when they’re awake, the fact is that I enjoy their company a lot more when they’re asleep. It’s the only hour of peace and quiet I get every afternoon so it’s kind of like a big deal.

Recently, they seem to have outgrown their naps, which means that I not only have less time to myself, I now have to come up with ways to keep them occupied constructively.

One of those ways – develop their artistic talent. Also know as giving them a bunch of chalk and a chalkboard.

Kirsten spent like 30 seconds drawing some squiggly lines only to realize that she was more interested in posing for the camera.

I guess it’d be nice if they turn out to be child prodigy artists but I’m also ok if they end up developing other useful skills, like how to pose while holding an object, which is one of those underrated talents in life.

We’d be happy either way.

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  • Reply lexyyy July 4, 2012 at 3:12 pm

    Are they both lefties? (:

    • Reply Daphne July 4, 2012 at 3:32 pm

      Very observant! Not really sure for now they’re both still relatively ambidextrous but I suspect Tru might be a leftie. Kirsten uses her right hand to feed herself though.

      • Reply lexyyy July 4, 2012 at 4:23 pm

        That is cause i am one!when they start writing you will know heh. Kirsten is sooooo cute!

  • Reply Abby July 5, 2012 at 9:44 am

    useful skills like posing while holding an object – the word “Model’ comes into my mind. Ok at least you know if Kirsten cannot make it to an artist, she definately can be the best model in town :-)
    Abby´s last post ..19-month and counting

  • Reply Nette July 6, 2012 at 5:43 pm

    Hello! I hope this comment isn’t completely irrelevant and I hope you reply! What camera do you use for your photos? Do you edit them? And I know you take a lot of indoor shots, so is it because you have awesome lights at home even at night, or do you online take photos in the day? Please let me know! I’m an amateur photographer aspiring to become better, so I’m trying to learn all I can :)

    • Reply Nette July 6, 2012 at 5:44 pm

      *only take photos in the day (sorry for the typo)

      • Reply Daphne July 9, 2012 at 8:20 pm

        Hi Nette! It’s not irrelevant at all! I’m using a Canon 500D with a 50mm f1.4 prime lens. It’s a great lens for shooting kids, especially in low light conditions.

        I do try to take outdoor shots where possible and for shots at home in the day, I find the spots with the best light – best to have all the windows and doors to be open and then look for the nicest light. Takes a bit of trial and error but after a while, you’ll know where the best photo spots in your home are.

        My night shots aren’t that great but the 50mm lens has an aperture of f1.4 so it makes everything look nicer.

  • Reply Bun Bun Makeup Tips July 9, 2012 at 5:41 am

    ‘like how to pose while holding an object, which is one of those underrated talents in life.’ made me LOL. XD
    Bun Bun Makeup Tips´s last post ..Makeup Tutorial: Golden Green, Lavender, Bronze And Life Of A Bun!

    • Reply Daphne July 9, 2012 at 8:22 pm

      Haha it’s definitely one of those talents I don’t have so I know how tough it is…

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