art attack

Artistic Expression

I’ve always wanted to be artistic. To make beautiful things with a lump of clay. Or paint a masterpiece on a blank canvas. Or design pretty art pieces with fabric and scrap paper. Or at least be able to draw basic shapes and not suck at Pictionary.

I mean, just for once in my life, I’d like to really nail a round of Pictionary and not have to explain why my lion looks like a deformed monkey.

Unfortunately, it seems like the artistic part of my brain has been damaged from childhood, probably from that time I was dropped on my head as a baby. But no matter because Pictionary is stupid and who needs to draw when I can google pictures and print them out on my laser printer. In color.

In any case, I’ve been careful not to drop the kids on their heads (too often) so there’s still a good chance that their artistic genes aren’t damaged. And I’m determined to cultivate their artistic talents until proven that they don’t have any.

Which is why I went out and bought them their very first paint set, complete with brushes, paints and palettes. Speaking of palettes, I was at the art shop asking the owner for the painting plate thing and he looked at me like I was a total noob before saying “you mean palette?” Yes, ok, palette, whatever. When I was a kid, I had to put my paints on a paper plate, aight? I get to call it a plate.

Anyway, here’s their first painting attempt.

The great thing is that they really enjoyed it so I guess more painting sessions are in order.

The not so great thing is that their artistic gene seems to be more damaged than mine. Like at least I know how to isolate my colors so I get blobs of distinct colors.

They made me put up their paintings on the wall “to show daddy” but the moment they go to bed, I’m going to chuck it.

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  • Reply Madeline November 29, 2011 at 8:35 pm

    Hilarious! Certainly looks like a giant bird eating tiny humans indeed lol
    Madeline´s last post ..Mad-Made: Our Mini Photo Gallery

    • Reply Daphne November 30, 2011 at 5:57 pm

      I know, right? Being a parent includes having to decipher your kid’s drawings.

  • Reply Andrea November 30, 2011 at 9:34 am

    Amazing artists!! (who happens to have a great mom with amazing imagination:) hahahaha)

    • Reply Daphne November 30, 2011 at 5:58 pm

      Hahaha I’ll get them to draw you some..

  • Reply alexis November 30, 2011 at 11:11 am

    AHAHAHAH. well at least they looked cute painting. and no, dont chuck it!

    • Reply Daphne November 30, 2011 at 6:02 pm

      Excellent point – the important thing is to look cute doing it..

      Actually, I’ve chucked it already. To be honest, I’m not really the sentimental sort and I seriously don’t know what to do with these abstract paintings. Besides, I’m sure there will be more where that came from.

  • Reply Elaine November 30, 2011 at 5:52 pm

    Does uber cute Kirsten’s painting really need to be given the morbid name giant bird eating tiny people? :(

    • Reply Daphne November 30, 2011 at 6:05 pm

      Totally right about that, it is a bit morbid, my bad.

      I initially wanted to go with giant bird flying waving hello at tiny people but then there were all these red stains that makes it look like they were being eaten as they’re running for their lives.

      • Reply Elaine December 4, 2011 at 12:00 am

        I guess the red does show up. Wait till Kirsten grows up and sees this blog and go “Mummy, you so didn’t get my great creation, did you? It was a phoenix rising out of the red hot ashes!” or something like that.

        Anyway, morbid factor notwithstanding, good job with the naming. If I were to name Sophia’s art from school they will all be named “blobs1” “blobs2” etc.

        • Reply Daphne December 5, 2011 at 11:37 am

          Hahahhaha good one!

  • Reply qiu xian December 1, 2011 at 12:08 pm

    Haha this is really funny! Don’t worry, all great artist’s works are those that no one understands aka as abstract, heh.
    qiu xian´s last post ..If you’re a parent and you know what I’m talking about, clap your hands

    • Reply Daphne December 5, 2011 at 11:39 am

      Excellent point! The more abstract the better.. :)

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