
Moms are pretty rad

All moms have a superpower. It’s like gummy beary juice or Asterix’s magic potion. The moment you become a mom, you have access to a special ability, a turbo beast mode that lets you do things for your kids that you would normally never be able to do.

Backing it up a little, I was always fond of kids even before I had any of my own – I’d offer to babysit for friends, make googly eyes at random strangers’ offspring, volunteer to help at Sunday school every week – but it was always a play-for-a-while-and-give-it-back type of situation. Once the kids got grouchy or whiny or annoying, I’d be like “okayyy, play time is over, I think it’s time to hand you back to your mommy, here we go!!” and I’d return to doing whatever leisurely activity I fancied.

Then I had my own kids and everything changed. There was no one to hand off my grouchy, whiny babies to; and I didn’t want to either. I now had babies I wanted to spend every moment with, to clean their massive blowout poops, to hug them when they’re having a horrid day, and to sit with them all night when they’re unwell.

I’d fight a bear for them or step in front of a train to save them without even thinking twice, no question about it.

One of the hardest things to deal with as a new mom was the exhaustion. According to science, after a solid month without sleep + a screaming baby, you will lose your mind. And while it is true that I was 97% insane during those initial months of each of my 5 babies, I somehow managed to dig deep and power through. It would be 4am and after having gotten out of bed for 27 times that night, I’d take one look at my adorable baby and somehow I would find the strength to get up for round number 28 to hold her and whisper sweet nothings.

I’ve also gotten stronger after having kids. I’ve got all the gym time I need right here with these 5. I mean, who needs dumbells when I’m lifting 10kg weights for hours a day. Which is not to say that I’m Hercules because every time I’m carrying this baby, my brain is yelling at me to drop her so this sharp, shooting pain in my busted shoulder would stop. The husband is like “I don’t know how you can carry this baby all day, I can’t feel my arms after 20 minutes” and I’ll be like “yeah, but I’m brutally strong” but the truth is that it’s just sheer mommy willpower that intercepts the pain receptors in my brain and blocks it with images of this face. And how about those thighs? Can we just take a moment to marvel at those thunder thighs? Those thighs are legit.

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There’s also the irresistible need to give them the best that I possibly can. When Truett was born, I started to measure the value of things by cans of formula. I’d look at a fancy new pair of shoes and decide not to buy it because this was 3 cans of formula for my baby. Yes, I did consider switching him to a cheaper formula but I couldn’t do it because suddenly, splurging on stuff for myself just didn’t matter so much anymore. I would mull over a $40 pair of jeans for weeks but think nothing about dropping $62 for a kg of Atlantic black cod for the kids.

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I think this is one of the reasons why we are fans of Pursoft products. Not only are they superior in quality (strong, yet soft and gentle), they get why moms do what we do and they help make the journey easier.

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If you haven’t tried it, Pursoft 3ply tissue is thick and strong enough to clean up spills and messes, while the 100% virgin pulp ensures the softest touch with every use. Plus it’s free from optical brightening agents, making it suitable for infants.

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How adorable is this new Chocolate Rain packaging? Featuring whimsical day and night designs, which fit nicely at home.

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There’s now a new soft pack version of their facial boxes, which is compact and convenient for taking along when we’re out and about.

It’s great for using in the car – we have one within easy reach from the driver’s seat at all times, and one more next to the kids at the back. They call it their emergency stash corner.

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Pursoft is offering free travel pack samples and an introductory offer price on the new Chocolate Rain Designs and soft packs for the entire month of May. Visit the website here to get the complimentary samples and head over to Fairprice Online for the special offer prices.

And check out Pursoft’s Mother’s day video!! :)

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