
Keeping our homes safe from Dengue

Having spent several days with baby Theo in the hospital a few weeks back, I’ve come to realise that there’s nothing quite as heartbreaking as watching my baby battle an illness. To see his tiny body hooked up to a bunch of scary machines, looking all defeated and miserable, it’s more than this heart can take. 3 nights in KK Hospital with a sad, sick baby ain’t no staycation, is all I’m saying, and can I not do it again please??

The thing is, sometimes, it sneaks up on you real quiet like a sudden bout of pneumonia, and there’s nothing you can do except step into the ring and parry the punches.

But then other times, hospital stays are completely preventable, as long as we take the necessary preventive steps. And in those cases, you can be sure I’m doing everything I can to keep my babies safe.

For example, cases like dengue. Dengue is one of those ailments that can be prevented and all it takes are a few easy steps (hello, 5-step Mozzie Wipeout!). It’s a year-round threat so we need to be constantly vigilant, but especially during the hotter months of June to October, it’s when we need to step up our game against them pesky mosquitoes. This period is usually the worst due to accelerated breeding and maturation cycles of the Aedes mosquitoes and shorter incubation periods for the dengue virus.

So what is this 5-step mozzie wipeout you speak of and how is it done exactly?

I’m glad you asked.

It has 5 easy steps (yes, way to state the obvious) and they all have to do with getting rid of places for mosquitoes to make babies. You know how much I like babies, but if there’s ever an appropriate time and place to exterminate babies, this is it. Sorry, but nasty mozzies don’t get to have babies. Not on my watch.

5 Step Mozzie Wipeout

5 step mozzie wipeout

Specifically, I’m here to show you how to prevent mosquito breeding in your kitchen because hey, fun fact, did you know that water containers used in the kitchen and toilets are one of the most common breeding habitats of mosquitoes found in homes? If mosquitoes are looking for a safe place to have a little boom chica wow wow action, the first place they’ll go to is your kitchen and toilets.

But you’re not going to make it easy for them, are you? Just follow these 4 steps and you’ll be ok.

Step 1: Turn over all water storage containers when not in use.

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Step 2: Empty water from dish tray on alternate days.

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Step 3: Empty coffee machine drip tray on alternate days.

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Step 4: Cover bamboo pole holders when not in use.


Preventing dengue is a team effort and we all have to do our part because well, mosquitoes can fly and if you let them make babies in your house, they’ll not only make you and your babies sick, they’ll fly on over to your neighbour’s house and make their babies sick too. It takes all of us working hand in hand to keep each other safe.

You guys, I’m counting on you just as much as you’re counting on me. We can do this together.

//Remember to join the Stop.Dengue.Now Facebook page for community updates and other useful dengue prevention information.

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  • Reply Geraldine May 26, 2015 at 8:06 am

    Hi Daphne, sorry if this is not related but I’ve been meaning to order customized stickers for my girl from child label and it seems like you guys stopped the biz? Is it true? If not, appreciate if you could email me back to let me know how to place my orders. Thank you! :)

    • Reply Daphne May 28, 2015 at 2:05 pm

      Hey Geraldine! Yes it’s true – we’re not taking in any more orders. There are a couple of other pretty cool kid label companies you can order from, let me know if you need any recommendations! And thanks for your support!!

  • Reply Geraldine May 28, 2015 at 2:22 pm

    What a pity! Coz I’ve been bookmarking the link so that I can order from you guys when my girl goes to school! :(

    Yes it’ll be great if you can recommend good companies to me! :)

  • Reply Marvin February 5, 2016 at 11:33 pm

    Hi Geraldine! Nice blog post. We’re interested in the part about bamboo pole holders. May we use the photo in our blog?

    • Reply Marvin February 5, 2016 at 11:36 pm

      Sorry, I meant Daphne :)

  • Reply Diane Price July 14, 2021 at 8:56 pm

    Great idea! Will try this at home, and hopefully it’ll work for us too. Thanks for the tips!

  • Reply John Gatesby November 13, 2024 at 7:05 pm

    Watching a little one struggle with illness is incredibly tough, and hospital stays are never easy for parents. The reminder about the importance of preventing mosquito breeding is spot on—simple actions like the 5-step Mozzie Wipeout can make a huge difference. It’s great to see such practical tips shared, especially since preventing dengue is something we can all contribute to. Working together, we can help keep our families and communities safer.
    John Gatesby´s last post ..Coronavirus Induces Oxidative Stress

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