Hi, my name is Daphne.
So I started out wanting to have 7 kids – true story. Then I went ahead and gave birth to one of these adorable but demanding tiny humans and immediately decided to scale back considerably…to 4. Okay, maybe 5, I’m not sure yet. I’m still mulling over that one. :)
I’m married to the man of my dreams and frankly, the finest specimen of the male species anywhere in the world. He makes me laugh at the most inappropriate moments, tells me everything is ok and then makes it so, gives me his last scoop of ice cream and is pretty much my best friend in the whole world. He makes parenting fun (even when it’s not!) and this man is the only reason why I’m able to do this. We’re talking legendary dad level dreamboat material.
Life with 4 kids is everything I hoped it would be. Actually, it’s even better. You know how it’s like when you dream of having something all your life and one day, you get it and it turns out to be so much better than you imagined it to be? Yeah, exactly like that.
No, really, what is it like having 4 kids?
There’s a lot of mayhem. On an average day, I feel like everything is out of control at least 5-6 times each day. On really rough days, we all have ice-cream for dinner and we call it an early night. **Okay, this just happened that one time and it’s clear that I need to rethink this strategy because since then, the kids have been all like “Is it a bad day today, mommy? How about today? I think today is a super bad day we need to have ice-cream for dinner.”
This life is often intense and full of um, excitement! but it also makes my heart a thousand times bigger and fuller and more wonderful.
And you know what else this life is full of? Chubby thigh rolls. Goofy little faces. Juicy goodnight kisses. Snuggles. Tiny humans telling me that I’m the best mom in the world. The sound of uncontrollable baby giggles. One can’t have too many baby giggles, is all I’m saying.
Sometimes, it feels unreal, having lucked out 4 times with the best kids I could possibly ask for, and I fully intend to spend every day of my life loving on these babies.
I’m just really glad I get a chance to be their mom.
It’s true that we think we know what we are getting ourselves into but once we are there we wonder how we could have had such grand false perceptions!
Chanced upon your blog… fun reads, your posts.
(BTW, I left a career in media before being a WAHM, too!)
Hi there, chance upon your blog from mth. :)
Wow. So inspiring. I too had to say goodbye to my first love of stage acting. YOur right, motherhood is very lonely. But we make the best out of it. As you say, thats the way the cookie crumbles. I say, it is what it is. I’m adding you to my blogroll.
Hey, got to know your blog thru May 10 Mother and Baby magazine. I like your writing!
[…] About Me […]
Chance upon your blog….I like it…makes my morning….
@Lee Li Liang, Thanks Li Liang!
Hi chanced upon ur blog and found it interesting … Kuodos to u!!! I m a SAHM with 1 kid and another on the way … Was wondering if u could share some of ur experience on managing 2 kids alone … Like u I m sceptical abt getting a stay-in helper …
LOVE your work here! Looking forward to reading more great posts!
xx Kelly
Your post are really interesting! I like it very much! Do keep me updated ok? :D
Blogs about children are never irrelevant. Its the parents’ way of documenting their growth, difference – sharing it with everyone else the joy of parenthood.
Hey Daphne!
Great blog! Remember how our Chinese teacher used to tease us about speaking English all the time? Voila! You now have a great blog with good writing to boot.
Am also a newly minted mummy and you are right. It is wonderful! Reading all your entries to learn loads while I breastfeed.
Catch up with you over high tea someday.
Shufang your secondary school classmate
Shufang!! Haha how could I ever forget the wonderful days of liu lao shi? Did you manage to go for the AHS reunion with the rest? Your girl is so cute! We should do a playdate or something, we can exchange contacts on fb ok.
Nice blog. =)
what’s your host details?
im using a free one and just ran out of space. =/
I enjoy reading your blog. Peppered with a wicked sense of humor that is lacking in our uptight society.
Always love to read blogs of parents who enjoying the journey of being a parent.
Susan´s last post ..Teaching your toddler responsibilities around the house
Thanks Susan! That’s really sweet, appreciate it!
hi, daphne,
nice blog, great reads … i like
father of 2
eric´s last post ..It is Election Time for Singapore
think i just found a new blog to read. i’m a copywriter, from singapore and currently working overseas. so it’s really great to find a local POV that’s witty, irreverent and smart. good stuff.
A friend passed along your posting – you blog. I love your joy of being a hands-on Mum. Lovely family pics!
Your kids look cute. I am also jobless like you, just enjoying the moment.
Hey today is polling day. Happy holiday.
Hi Daphne , your blog is great ! Let me know that being a mother can be so relaxing . Maybe I still adapting being a stress-less mother. Haha!
Hi there. Greetings all the way from the mother of Asia, China
Stumbled across your blog and have found it very interesting, though funny.
Thanks for being honest, transparent and witty!
So I’m not a mother. Hell, I’m not even married. But I must say that I love how you write. And it makes me happy because not many Singaporean bloggers can capture my attention and make me laugh the way you can. So thank you for blogging. (:
You are indeed an awesome writer.
Leaving a message here to show my greatest support :)
With Love:
Mommy Shalny
oh yeah, i’ve been called a bum too, amongst other names… *argh* they should try to be a SAHM and survive one week by themselves!
and to explain my decision to dedicate my youth to my little one, i also started sharing my blog… here’s my journey. :) http://blog.mybabyfootsteps.com/?p=4
Dear Daphne,
I happened to stumble upon your blog, as i was obviously researching on how to bring up two kids( am due with the second in feb). Am not sure if found what i was looking for specifically but i truly enjoyed reading every word and also relating to almost every experience that you have so humorously shared. It does take a lot of effort to look at the funny side of things especially with two kids who have a mind of their own.That for me is inspiring. Highly qualified , about to be mom of two, and desperate to work (albeit from home), It couldn’t get more frustrating for me. But reading your blog I realize this is a phase!!!
so thank you for making my day today!!!
P.S. you do have a way with words .. however ordinary the situation!!
Hi there
Just like to ask you where you got your Arms Reach Co-Sleeper from in Singapore? Cant seem to find it anywhere.Appreciate if you can email me. Thanks!
Daphne, I found your blog after a Facebook friend posted Mother Inc.’s hilarious Toddler Rules of Possession. I really enjoy your beautifully-written and irreverant posts (definitely not “irrelevant”!) I am a mum of two myself (two girls, aged 6 and nearly 3). I tried continuing my full-time job as a lawyer for several years before choosing to stay at home. I’m loving the extra time with my kids; the jury is still out on which of my two career-paths has been the more demanding. Let’s just say that these days I echo the words of my mum, who stayed home with her three children for 10 years, and when asked if she worked, would reply, “Not for money…”
oh crap, sorry, should have been “irreverent”…
don’t you just hate bad spellers? :)
I love the way you write! You are a kickass writer indeed. You should write a book.
Hi Daphne!
I love reading your stories! They make me smile and laugh. Good luck with baby Finn and I can’t wait to read more stories!
daphne from e86?
hi, i read your article in the TODAY paper. I felt a simillarity between you and me when i read it. I am also a mum who is not career minded and would love to stay at home to be with my son. I have only one and that gives me even stronger reason why i should stay at home. I love to have more kids but no luck so far! thus would love to stay at homw with him. i have tried numerous work from home job most of them were just scams! For the past 2 years i have been working half day mornings. But the pay is very little. With rising transport bills. It is very difficult. The good thing about my timing is i come back when he is back from school. But he will be going to Pri 5 next year thus i would again love to stay at home with him to coach him. Pls do advise or assist me if you have any legimate home based jobs.
Thanks a million,
9029 0659
Hi, I’m a Television Producer for ‘What Say You’, a new discussion and
interview programme by Mediacorp.
The show is a daily lunchtime programme that will be broadcast on
Mediacorp’s interactive channel Toggle Eve, a lifestyle and
entertainment channel for women professionals. This is the website for
the channel which will be launched official on February 4th:
We discuss many issues related to women and I would like to invite you
to be one of our contributors. If you have any particular areas of
interest e.g. family, please do let me know. Please do also suggest
topics if you think there’s something that women would like to
Our recordings are done on Thursday mornings. As this is an
interactive channel, the interview will take place online via webcam
so you would need a webcam/smart phone and internet access to
participate in the discussion. We will be using Google Hangout to run
the discussions.
Do please let me know if you would be interested in participating in
our programme?
The upcoming topics for the next 4 weeks:
7 Feb recording: being single in Singapore, marriage, parenthood, children’s education,
14 Feb recording: working and living overseas, arts education
My contact number is 97904320
Thank you very much and regards,
Jane Lau
Toggle Eve
Tel: 97904320
Great writing you have. I really enjoy reading. Keep up the good works.
Hi there Daphne!
I stumbled upon your blog from a link, read a few of your posts and find that you have a wicked sense of humour which I like! :) Love your About Me page – very refreshing! I’ll guess I’ll just have to start following you. ;p I have really enjoyed your writing.
Congrats on No.4 coming!
Came across your blog while browsing for work from home jobs. I am a new SAHM – still deciding on SAH or SAW (stay-at-work) part.. hehe… anyway, your blog is a great read! love it!..
Hi I love your posts and photos.
Can I just enquire what camera do you use for your pictures?
Hi Daphne, I’m not a mom yet, but I’m a huge fan of your blog! Love your writing style and the photos :)
Great reading here.
I am new to the world of blogs. Hope to enjoy the journey of blogging.
Not even a mother but I love reading your blog! :) May have lol-ed one too many times at work
Love reading your blog and can feel the happiness you get from 4 kids :)
Not even a parent yet but I sure enjoy your content!!
I am a kid’s entertainer as well and I can’t wait to have my kids.
Balloon sculpting and kids party!! : http://www.makorsevents.com
I hope this email brightens your day! I’m Sathmina Dissanayake from CarePolicy.US, where we help care agencies navigate the tricky world of licensing, policies, and procedures—basically, we handle the paperwork so they can focus on the care.
I came across your blog and was genuinely impressed by the incredible value you’re offering to the community. Your content aligns so well with our mission of supporting the care receiving community, and I’d love to explore how we can collaborate.
How We Can Collaborate:
Guest Blog Contribution: Let us write a thoughtful article for your readers, where we can share valuable insights and naturally include a link back to our site.
Link Insertion: If you have existing content where a reference to our expertise fits naturally, we’d love to support you by compensating you for including our brand.
Compensation: We’re happy to offer 100 USD for this collaboration—or let us know your expectations!
Let’s make the world of care a little easier for everyone—starting with this collaboration. If you’ve got ideas or questions, I’m all ears!