a spot of singapore

Easy like Sunday morning

Thanks to all your brunch suggestions on the facebook page, we had lots of new places to choose from yesterday. We’ll try to check out a new place for Sunday brunch every week and let you know which ones are good.

We started with The Tanglin Tree at Tanglin Post Office after a friend’s recommendation. The menu wasn’t extensive and the food was alright with the usual spread of eggs, bacon, toast and hash browns. I probably won’t be back for the food but then again, the best part about the place isn’t the food.

It’s the very cool outdoor playground area right next to the cafe.

It was like a little house playground with 2 rooms, a bridge, a slide, swings, and a sandbox looking all bright and happy. Baby girl was busy exploring the house playing peekaboo with the other kids.

While Truett headed straight for the sandbox. Seeing how much he loves sand, his middle name should be Sandy. Or Sandman. Or Sanders.

His eyes light up whenever he sees sand – he scoops it, pats it, pours it all over his entire body and rolls around gleefully in it. After every sand session, we’ll always find sand in his hair, mouth, neck, armpits and underpants, which amazingly does not bother him one bit.

Kirsten on the other hand, get’s a bit squeamish when sand gets into places it shouldn’t be in. Every few minutes, she’ll make me dust her fingers or remove the 2 offending grains of sand between her toes.

One time, some sand got into her eyes and she went a bit mental, shrieking at me to get it out. Except that I could only attempt to sweep it out with my already sandy hands and all that dusting made the sand fly around her face in a gigantic sand cloud. Which made her freak out and swipe at her own face with her even more sandy hands. It was not a pretty sight.

She obviously wasn’t keen to repeat that experience so she stood beside the sandbox looking exceedingly troubled by the prospect of touching that much sand.

She did eventually join in but it was with a lot of hesitation and scowling. It was too cute to watch.

All in all a nice easy Sunday morning.

PS. The winner of the Miele S6 will be announced later today. Stay tuned.

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  • Reply June @ mamawearpapashirt August 15, 2011 at 9:58 am

    Nice! We’ve always passed by the place saying we should visit soon. And after reading this, I think we will, even if it’s just so that we can have some eggs and the toddler can have some sand along with hers. Lol

    • Reply Daphne August 15, 2011 at 11:04 am

      Yeah the playground kind of makes up for the average food. We ate in 15 minutes and the kids spent the next 2 hours running around the playground.

  • Reply Hooi See August 15, 2011 at 10:47 am

    Yeah, we’ve been there once and the kids enjoyed the playhouse, though there weren’t many options on the brunch menu and not to say over priced as well.

    One place that we love to bring the kids is PS Cafe at Dempsey. Great food and kids love the wilderness :)

    • Reply Daphne August 15, 2011 at 11:05 am

      Totally agree with the limited options and price. I heard a lot about PS Cafe but haven’t gotten around to checking it out yet. It’s definitely on the list.

  • Reply Leslie August 15, 2011 at 11:13 am

    It’s just the total opposite in my family….as in the parents. I’d love to bring my kids to the beach which they can roll themselves crazy in the sand BUT the hubby is like “no lah, they’re gonna get all dirty and yuckky and….”etc etc. Talk about a total wet blanket of a hubby!

  • Reply Unice August 15, 2011 at 11:14 pm

    check out Arbite at Serangoon Gardens! The food’s good and its a real cosyy family brunch place! :)

  • Reply beanbean August 17, 2011 at 12:11 am

    Noey love this place. He’s declared it his favourite restaurant! I’ve never tried the brunch menu because we always go on Sat mornings. The food on the ala carte menu is not bad, but it’s quite pricey. Like you say, we don’t go for the food!

  • Reply Ai Sakura August 17, 2011 at 2:34 pm

    Aww we always drive past this place when we go downtown. Nice to know what it is actually like heehee.. thanks for sharing :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka
    Ai Sakura´s last post ..Wordless Wednesday: Universal Studios Singapore (USS) Pt 1

  • Reply San August 18, 2011 at 12:14 am

    Nice! Love the playground… not often you get to see such “nostalgic” ones around. Haha!
    San´s last post ..Mine, mine, mine… and yours. A Child Label experience

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