a spot of singapore

A party in the sky

We brought the kids for a ride on board the Singapore Flyer for the first time over the weekend. It’s not the sort of thing we’d typically do because between you and me, it doesn’t seem terribly fun or exciting. I mean, can the thing go any slower? I’m guessing no.

Anyhow, the husband got comped passes so we thought we’d make a fun family thing out of it. I’m going to go ahead and eat my words here because it turned out to be pretty fun.

all 3

All 3 kids had such a great time on it, especially baby Finn who went around dancing and clapping and celebrating like it was a party. He was inspecting everything, peering at maps and looking out of the windows with absolute fascination.

I have no idea what the cause of celebration was but every so often, Tru and Kirsten would break into cheers of “WOOOHOOOO AWESOME!!” while baby Finn followed behind them with a little skip and a bounce.


checking out the scene


baby finn

The capsule thing was way more spacious than it looked. There were 10 of us in it and the kids had tons of space to chase each other around and around in circles. Thankfully the other visitors on board didn’t seem to mind the ruckus they were causing.

It took us a while to get to the top but when we did, the view was quite spectacular.

singapore flyer


I managed to snap a few pictures in between their crazy games and aren’t these some of the happiest faces you’ve seen?

tru kirsten 2

tru finn

dancing baby

view from the top



tru kirsten hug

check it out

That’s one local attraction I didn’t think we’d ever do but I’m glad we did.

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  • Reply janice January 20, 2014 at 1:12 pm

    love what Finn was wearing! so stylish!

    • Reply Daphne January 21, 2014 at 12:49 pm

      Thanks Janice! :))

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