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Bare Your Sole 2014

Barefoot walking is not something that we do a lot because let’s face it, it’s kind of weird and borderline hippie-ish to be walking around without shoes.

The few times I’ve gone barefoot was when I’m at the beach or the park and I’ve always enjoyed it – feeling the soft sand between my toes or the soft grass beneath my feet.

I’ve been reading up on the benefits of barefoot walking lately and it’s fascinating. They call it earthing, which is a natural thing for humans to do. You know how like babies are encouraged to walk barefoot when they start taking their first steps; they learn better when their toes get a feel of the ground. It strengthens the muscles in their feet, realigns their natural posture, stimulates sensory perception, and they learn to flex their feet as nature designed.

kids barefoot

In fact, wearing shoes too early may affect the gait of children. With shoes, children tend to walk faster by taking longer steps with greater ankle and knee motion and increased tibialis anterior activity. And for that reason, a lot of baby shoes are designed to feel like barefoot walking, because it’s better.

As adults, we should try to walk barefoot regularly too. It helps with our posture and balance when we can really feel the earth with our feet. At the same time, it also improves blood circulation, making us stronger and healthier. And my favourite part of all is that it feels so liberating and fun.

Did I also mention that the kids love it? They think it’s cool to walk shoeless, which I can’t disagree with. When we were in Maldives last month, we spent most of our time walking around barefoot and it was tons of fun.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Seeing how much they love it, I’ve been thinking that we should make it a regular family activity thing and I’ve compiled a list of places that would be great (and safe!) for barefoot walking in Singapore.

1. Hort Park

Hort Park would be a fab place to start barefoot walking. Lots of open spaces and beautiful soft grass to run on, plus there are pretty plants to look at and a little playground for when the kids get bored of just walking.

2. Sembawang Park

This newly renovated park now has a super fun playground and a clean, sandy beach that makes barefoot walking such a joy. The battleship playground is easily one of the coolest playgrounds in Singapore; it’ll be a huge hit with the kids.

3. Siloso Beach down to Palawan Beach

This stretch of sandy white beach along Sentosa happens to be my favourite one in Singapore. We usually start at Siloso Beach and round it up with a picnic at a nice shady spot at Palawan Beach.

4. Botanic Garden

Named the #1 park in Asia by Tripadvisor Travellor’s Choice award, it’s probably one of the best places for barefoot walking in Singapore. Nuff’ said.

5. Gardens By The Bay

Ok, I haven’t really explored the place (I’ve been there once for Mraz’s concert 2 years back) but from what I’ve seen, I think it’s be really pretty for an afternoon walk with the family.


Bare your sole ad

Come next month, Habitat for Humanity Singapore will be having their “Bare Your Sole” 2014 barefoot walkathon on 12 July 2014, where proceeds will go to Project HomeWorks. It’s a wonderful initiative that cares for the elderly poor living in 1 bedroom rented HDB apartments in Singapore.

The walkathon will be happening on Saturday, 12 July at Gardens By The Bay East (Rhu Cross). It’ll be a really fun family time (food, games, music and entertainment will be available) and you’ll be doing a little something for the elderly poor in Singapore.

Register here to join.

Online registration is available until 10 July 2014, 2359 hrs. Alternatively, you can head down to register at The Orchard Central, Ground Floor from 4-6 July, 11am to 9am.

If you’re on Instagram and Twitter, join in the fun and share your barefoot photos (#bare4good)!


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  • Reply Susan June 29, 2014 at 10:51 pm

    I’m Australian and my children often run around with no shoes. The children are constantly asked “where are your slippers!!??” by the caring community of Singapore :)

    • Reply Daphne June 30, 2014 at 11:15 am

      So cute!! I should try this sometime!

  • Reply Wenhui August 17, 2014 at 2:26 am

    Likewise I find the joy and pleasure of barefoot walking as well. It never fails to invigorate me. To sum it up barefoot walking should be made a lifestyle. Three Cheers to that. :)

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