It’s been years since I last encountered the nightmare known to moms as the terrible twos. In fact, it’s been so long that I almost forgot what that’s like. Hahahaha, who am I kidding? I remember EXACTLY what’s that like and it’s not a whole bag of fun.
Finn’s been having himself a feeling explosion in the last few weeks. Like there are so much of these complicated toddler feelings bubbling inside that his little chubby body is not able to contain all of it. And then *BOOM*, his feelings are suddenly all over my living room. I mean, I adore his super cute 19-month-old feelings and I’d very much like to get to know them better over a skinny latte but right now, they’re everywhere and also, they look a little scary.
We were having some mommy-Finn time working on puzzles and there’s this one train puzzle that he loves to do over and over again. After 8 rounds, I was like “hey, how about let’s try the plane one instead!” so I swapped out the puzzles, not realising that I had just pressed the giant red self-destruct button.
Little man was M-A-D. Like MAD mad. Like full on hissy fit kind of mad.
He stood up, flung the plane puzzle with gusto and yelled NO!!!! And then he decided to protest some more but he wasn’t sure how so he stood there for a moment before deciding to…well, sit himself on the floor in a follow-up silent protest. I’ve seen some pretty epic meltdowns and in comparison, that’s kind of a cute way to protest so I was all “ok baby, protest registered, can mommy give you a hug so you feel better?” but he swatted my hand away so I just sat beside him to give him some space but then he got mad and he lost it a little bit more until finally he inched himself closer and closer to me and flopped his head face-down onto my lap in exhaustion. I mean, I was exhausted just watching him.
This ain’t typical Finn behaviour because he’s normally such a sweet, gentle soul. I was sitting there watching this feeling explosion unfolding right in front of me and I felt so bad for my angsty baby.
He’s trying to express himself and he doesn’t know how and all this frustration is stressing his little baby brain out. Like he wants me to be there to baby him but he also desperately wants to stop being a baby and it’s all so confusing for him.
I think we could all do with some happy juju and extra hugs around here.