Yearly Archives


seriously somewhat serious

Thank you, 2014.

This post has taken a long time to write because I wanted to do justice to the year that has been so incredibly good to us.

Twenty-fourteen has been a dream. I’ve been thinking a lot about the past couple of years and how grateful we are that God has brought us to the place we’re at after the journey we’ve had.

I think I rather enjoy being in my 30’s. I feel like most of my 20’s were spent in a grind, just struggling to make it through each day. We got married not long after graduation, had my first kid at 26, and then another the year after, all the while feeling like a kid myself. Those years, I also traded a job that paid me in actual money for one that paid in googly eyes and baby kisses. You know me, I love baby kisses more than the average person but these don’t pay no bills.

And the baby part was hard too. For several years, everything was so wonderfully difficult. Why are babies so demanding?? Watching 2 tiny screamy babies alone at home all day while the husband clocked extra hours at work to help us stay afloat? I think I had almost gotten used to feeling like I was drowning half the time.

That we even managed to survive those years is a mystery to me and looking back, I have no doubt at all that God has been good to us every single day of those crazy years.

2014 has been a year where I feel like I’ve grown up. A large part of that is knowing that in this menagerie, the good parts in life and the bad parts come together in a big jumbled up box and learning how to respond to both are equally important. It’s a big lesson to learn (the sort you can only learn by living it) and I suspect I’ll be learning it for many years to come.

I think the only way to wrap up a year like this is to remember some of the very best parts.

In 2014, I met and fell in love with this little guy. Such a dreamboat.

theo1 (1)


On that note, I’ve really enjoyed being a mom of four. When I used to dream of my family way back when I was little, I always imagined a huge one. Loud, boisterous, messy, chaotic, but also full of laughter and tiny happy faces. I used to take it for granted that my kids were safe and healthy but with more kids, I started becoming more aware of how blessed we are to have these four babies. Sure, it’s scary to have my heart beating in four little pieces outside my chest but I look at them at the end of every day and all I can think of is “so worth it.”

In 2014, Truett graduated from preschool. Today was his last day of school. He brought thank you gifts for his teachers, hugged all his friends really tight and bade them farewell. As he left and got into the car, he said, “this is the saddest day of my life.”

In 2 days, he will be off to Primary School like a big boy. I’m feeling the jitters like it’s my first day of school and I know he’s a little nervous too but this kid has got such a great attitude it just makes me proud. He looked at the mountain of textbooks we bought the other day and he’s actually excited to be learning new things in Primary 1.

Truett the baby was all kinds of cute but I’m really loving Truett the big kid. He’s got a wicked sense of humour and he’s turning out to be an incredible big brother. He’s not like the typical extroverted leader sort but he’s got a calm, quiet air of confidence that the other 3 kids respond so well to.


In 2014, we finally stopped having to swim furiously just to not drown, and we were able to enjoy the journey a little bit more. We visited some beautiful places, made some new friends, rode on a seaplane, sat by the edge of the Indian Ocean to watch the sunrise, hung out with the 12 apostles along the Great Ocean Road, tasted the best yakitori in my life, experienced a new disney park, held hands a lot and just watched our babies grow.

It’s been a year I’ll remember with much fondness but I’m also excited for a new year filled with new experiences. I hope yours will be amazing.

See you guys in the new year!


I hope it’s a good one


It’s here, it’s here, it’s finally christmas! I feel like I just got past a hump; a great big hump of a month and I can finally stop to catch my breath. It’s been the most insane month I’ve had in a long time, pulling all-nighters like I’m still 18. Except that when I get to bed at 5am, it’s when the baby wakes up for milk and my mom job starts.

But the wonderful thing about christmas is that no matter how crazy things are right before, I get to put everything down and bask in the joy of being with my family. I’ve needed this so much. Laid back movie night with my big kids, spending the first moments of this beautiful christmas day with the husband over some hot milo after all the kids are in bed, and snuggly milk time with my babycakes. It’s everything I need this christmas.

And hey, look who turned 5 months yesterday! I was chatting with the husband earlier while he was holding Theo and halfway through the conversation, my brain stopped paying attention to what he was saying because I suddenly noticed how ridiculously cute this baby was getting. Newborns are so precious but they are also kind of smooshy and weird looking but then they fatten up and one day they make the transition to becoming ridiculously cute.

As the husband’s voice trailed off because he saw that I was no longer listening, I started to squeal because sometimes you just have to squeal when words aren’t enough.

Ridiculously cute baby stage, I think I’m going to like you a lot.

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The husband immediately said “Siao liao, I recognise these symptoms of momnesia. You’re like a baby collector who’s trying to add more babies to your collection” and for the first time, I felt sad at the thought of never being able to experience this adorable baby stage again. I have been steadfast in my resolve to not have another baby so far but why do babies have to make it so hard with their cute little faces? It’s so urgh, I can’t even.

Let me go think about this and I’m sure I’ll get some clarity on the situation when I’m up at 3 to feed the baby later.

Here’s Merry Christmas from my family to yours, I hope you have a good one.

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Is it still christmas out?

Decembers are the best because it’s like one long extended christmas party. Everything is so nice and christmassy for an entire month!!?? We’ve got pretty lights in the house every night, and hey, I have to make the most of the one month in the year where it’s appropriate to play 15 different versions of Winter Wonderland in one night.

Speaking of, the kids have this dancing santa that sings an annoyingly cheery Jingle Bells in a deep man’s voice that just goes on and on throughout the entire year. I try to hide it somewhere dark and quiet but it always pops right back out. Sometime around May, santa starts to drive me completely nuts. There’s only so many times one person can listen to Jingle Bells in a year. But in December, party on, happy dancing santa!!


We had our christmas candlelight service in church last week, which among all my favourite christmas moments is my single most favouritest one. Us, with our four babies celebrating the reason for christmas together.

There was this one moment where Truett almost set baby Theo’s face on fire but phew, crisis averted!

We’re just one week away – have a beautiful christmas, you guys!

*Christmas Giveaway is still happening over at the Facebook page, don’t forget to go join. :)

side effects of motherhood

Tuesdays are good for thinking

On some Tuesdays, I think a lot of thoughts. This is one of those Tuesdays.

On balancing it all.

I remember doing an essay in school once about my strengths and flaws. My younger, more pretentious self wrote something like “I’m very driven, which is both my greatest strength and weakness.” So obnoxious.

Over the years, life has taught me to dial back on the obnoxiousness but I realise that I still like to push myself just to see how much I can manage, like it’s some imaginary contest where nobody wins. Except me. I feel like I’m winning when I can do a lot. So I keep adding things to my plate. Squeeze a bit here, pack things in nice and tight to make more space, and over in that corner, I see a tiny spot to add in something new. One kid not enough, must have four. A few jobs, new projects, more, more things to my plate!!

Until things start falling apart and I start to accept that by overextending myself so much, the things that really matter get pushed back and neglected. I don’t think I’ll ever be happy not doing a lot, so I guess the solution is to pick the things on my plate a little better, and to know when to let things fall.

Dr Seuss puts it most succinctly,

So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life’s A Great Balancing Act.

Breastfeeding is kind of awesome.

I could be politically correct about the wonders of breastfeeding for my baby or I could just come out and say it – one of the benefits of breastfeeding is that I drop weight faster than any diet/exercise regime can offer. One of the non-benefits is that with this in mind, I throw in a couple of extra cookies into my non-diet because “I need the extra calories to make all this milk”. Every night, while I enjoy my chocolate chip cookies with a glass of milk, I ponder the awesomeness of being able to magically transfer my fats to my baby and it makes me smile. I’ve now grown rather fond of having cookies as a late night snack and I’m not looking forward to the day I have to stop breastfeeding/having cookies.

Small monkeys grow up to be big monkeys

Finn: Mommy!

Me: Yes, baby?

Finn: Nothing!! Hahahahahahahhahahhaahaha.

Me: Eh, monkey!! Aren’t you a bit young to be up to this monkey business? Is Finn Finn a good boy or a monkey?

Finn: A good…monkey.

Also, this is Finn learning how to wink at the ladies. This one will grow up to be a handful.


*In case you missed it, I’m having a special “12 Days of Christmas Giveaway” over on the Mother, Inc. Facebook page. We’re into day 3, with 9 more to go.

Go join if you haven’t already done so, lots of really great gifts in there that you don’t want to miss.

from around here

Chompasaurus chomp chomp

theo tummy time

Look who’s getting good at tummy time!! Can I just say that those cheeks are really killing me. This speaks of my lack of impulse control or whatever but I need to eat. this. face. every time I see it, which is basically all day. It could also be due to the fact that he puts up the least protest. He’s not a big fan of all this chomping but he’s all like “this is my life and I’m learning to deal with it.”

It’s a tough call but it is with great pleasure that I present this baby with the chompiest cheeks award.

The weather has been really nice for walks lately. It’s the only time of the year where it’s possible to take walks around the neighbourhood without feeling like it’s an insufferable endeavour. I’ve been bringing the baby out with me on foot for short grocery runs, midday takeout lunches, a double chocolate chip cookie hunt to the subway outlet 15 minutes away (which took more like 35 minutes each way), and late afternoon walks to the playground. Some days when I’m feeling adventurous, I bring along more than one kid (so brave!!). One time, I had all 4 kids with me downstairs and it was a total disaster. Having to hustle after a toddler and two big kids while carrying a fat baby is an experience I recommend to no one. It was also kind of perfect watching them. :)

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Go this way.

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No, go this way.

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Alright, this way.


Because it’s almost christmas, and christmas is a time for giving, let’s have a bit of fun shall we?

I’ll be hosting a special “12 Days of Christmas Giveaway” over on the Mother, Inc. Facebook page. Starting this Sunday 14 December, there will be one giveaway everyday for 12 days right up till christmas day. There are some really, really great gifts in there that you don’t want to miss.

*Okay okay sneak preview – there will be a Yvolution bike, a super cool Egg helmet, the new Todbi Air Hipseat carrier, Aden & Anais swaddles, Playgro playgyms and lots of other cool stuff.

12 days of christmas copy.001

Much love to Global Outsource Solutions and Mothercare for sponsoring the giveaway items. 


And so it goes

Recently, Truett and Kirsten have been wanting to snuggle up in bed with me while I caught up on some of my dramas – and I’ve let them. I’m really good at watching dramas so I feel a need to share this particular expertise with them while they’re young.

Some parents say watching TV is a waste of time, that’s nonsense. You learn so much about life from watching TV (*I’m going to throw in a caveat here that you have to watch the right shows). Most of what I know about medicine, I learnt from Grey’s Anatomy. Law and politics, from The Good Wife. Government, from Parks & Rec. Parenting, from Gilmore Girls. Psychopathic serial killers, from Criminal Minds. Meth and money laundering, from Breaking Bad. How to properly insult someone like a British aristocrat, from Downton Abbey. All important life lessons. Mostly.

Right now, the only shows I let them co-watch are Parks & Recreation and a bit of Downton Abbey, and only the safe for kids parts. I’m not that liberal. I also happen to be an expert at the side-scrolling fast forward move on my mac when one of those NSFK parts are about to pop up.

This one scene in Parks & Rec, Leslie and Ben were bantering in one of those “are they going to kiss, are they not?” moments. Before I could decide if it warranted some side-scrolling action…

Truett: Eww EWWW EEEWWWW I think they are going to kiss!!

Kirsten: *giggle giggle*

Truett: They’re doing it! They are really kissing!!

Kirsten: *makes the kissing gesture with all 10 fingers pressed together* smooch smooch kissy kissy…

Truett: I bet ther saliva will mix together, how gross it that?

Kirsten: Yeah it’s so gross I can’t even look!

Me: Eh, you guys don’t  be so dramatic. Daddy and mommy kiss all the time, it’s what married people do.

Truett: Mouth kissing is ewwww, I hope I’ll never have to do it.

Me: Oh trust me, you’ll change your mind soon enough.

Kirsten: I’ll surely not let anyone kiss me forever.

Me: Your father will be so happy to hear that. But don’t worry, you’ll want to retract that statement in a couple of years, hopefully 20 or so. Hey you guys, does that mean you won’t let mommy kiss you anymore? I’ll be terribly sad.

Truett: *thinks really hard* Mommies can kiss but it has to be a small teeny weeny kiss. You must make your lips really tiny and after that I’ll faster wipe my lips.

Me: I’ll spare you the agony, we’ll do cheek kissing from now on, how about that?

Kirsten: Ya, cheeks are easier to wipe and not so gross.

Me: Wow thanks! That’s not hurting my feelings at all! For the record, I never ever put my saliva on you ok, it’s a very dry, light peck.

Truett and Kirsten: *makes vomit faces at each other and giggles*

Me: Urgh KIDS!!

from around here

Too soon to be December

It’s 17 days to Christmas – too soon! It’s been a busy lead up to the end of the year, with the kids putting up 2 performances in the past 2 weeks.

Their O School dance recital was phenomenal, we had such a great time. More on this to come but we’re so chuffed that the kids got to be part of something so amazing.

o school

p/c: O School

Last week, Truett, Kirsten and Finn had their annual year-end school performance, with Truett officially graduating from preschool. He looked so grown up in his graduation gown and mortar board. Normally I’d be all teary and emo but watching him walk out confidently to receive his cert, I felt like we did ok. I really like how this boy turned out. :)

Finn spent his entire performance with him bum to the audience (so cute!!) but he nailed all the moves to Incy Wincy Spider, so points for that. Truett and Kirsten are now experienced performers and they both killed it for their dances. During the dance, it occurred to me that Kirsten is so much like me, except even more awesome. And that’s what kids are, isn’t it? They’re a better version of us and they’re going to do so much more that we ever thought possible. Okay, now I’m getting emo.


kirsten dance

truett dance

p/c: Kids’ preschool teachers

Towards the end, Kirsten was assigned the task of reading out all the names of the graduating K2 students and when she got to “Truett Kao Kai Xuan“, she looked so thrilled to be announcing her brother’s graduation. It was so sweet.


In other exciting news, my baby swing decided that he’s had enough and called it quits on me over the weekend. Yeah, my baby swing is a he. A manly baby swing called Thumper. Boys can be so temperamental sometimes.

It’s not been pretty. Because my baby loves his baby swing so. The only way Theo will take his naps is in this baby swing. And forget what they tell you about not letting your baby nap in a swing – I was a real nazi about this with Truett and Kirsten but let’s just say that I’m now a reformed baby swing believer. Whatever helps this baby to sleep for more than 15 minutes at a stretch, I’m down with that .

It also gives him cute bunny ears when he sleeps. There’s a lot to be said about cute bunny ears on a sleeping baby. This makes me laugh all the time.


So now that the swing refuses to swing no more, I have to sit beside him while he naps to swing it manually. It beats having to carry the baby for an hour but this really puts a crimp in my plans because this hour of nap time is sacred. I get a lot done in this time – food time, shower time, coffee time, plus a bit of work on those super special days where he decides to stay asleep for an extra 30 minutes.

You’d think he wouldn’t know the difference if he was fast asleep but once it stops swinging, he’ll open up one eye to peer at me with a face that says “get it together, momma, I’m trying to nap here.

I have 3 bigger kids and I tried making them take turns to swing the baby because what good are big kids if you can’t make them do menial tasks like manually swinging their baby brother, right? Kidding. They like doing it. But then they’ll giggle at his bunny ears and wake him up, which is the opposite of what I’m trying to achieve.

But hey, it’s almost Christmas and Christmas always makes things better. I might just take this time to transition him to cot napping. Hahahaha, or not, depending on how brutal things get. We’ll see how this goes.

Have a good December, you guys!