Yearly Archives



Peas in a pod

One of the first few questions people ask me when they see baby Finn is “Who does he look like?”

Frankly, I can’t decide.

Some days I think he looks like Tru but then I see him next to Kirsten and I can totally see the resemblance. Strangely enough, Truett looks nothing like Kirsten and Finn’s features seem to be a combination of both of them.

I think this calls for a vote. What do you guys think?

milestones & musings, precious moments

You’re just too good to be true

Baby Finn just giggled for the first time.

I had him in my arms and we were dancing to my rendition of Winter Wonderland in the kitchen when his face lit up with the goofiest smile I’ve ever seen and he was all “hur hur…hur hur hur hur hur…”

I wasn’t sure what to make of that because I wasn’t even trying to be funny but he seemed to think it was.

And then I tried Frankie Valli’s Can’t Take My Eyes Off You and he was giggling uncontrollably.

I’ve forgotten what it’s like to hear a baby giggle for the first time and it is the most beautiful sound in the entire world.

love bites

11 years and a day

Yesterday was my 11th-year anniversary of being an official couple with the husband. I only found out when he said “Happy 11th anniversary, babe!” while we were in the car yesterday. I stared at him blankly for several seconds before it clicked in my head and then I felt bad that it took me so long to piece it together.

“Oh!! What date is it today?” I was going for the whole “I couldn’t possibly forget such an important event, I just lost track of the date” defense but I could tell that he wasn’t buying it.

“It’s the twelfth. Of November. The date we got together,” he replied.

I had to switch strategies. I decided to try the Confundus Charm. “Isn’t our anniversary on the 15th? I’m quite certain it’s on 15 November.”

He gave me the look. The look that said “Yeah, I’m sure.”

“Wow I can’t believe it’s been 11 years! That’s like more than a decade!” This was my final strategy – refocus the attention to a somewhat related triviality.

He gave me the other look. The look that said “I see what you’re doing here and it’s really not working.”

“Happy anniversary, baby. Thanks for the last 11 years,” I said with a smile.

And it’s true. After 11 years, I am thankful. To have a guy who bothers to remember the small things about our relationship because it’s the small things that matter. A guy who knows that that this is the sort of thing my brain has difficulty remembering but is ok with it. A guy who sees my moves from a mile off and is still willing to go through the whole charade so I don’t feel so bad.


Monkey faces and imaginary goodnight kisses

Being a baby, Finn usually goes to bed earlier than the other two kids and he wakes up well after they’ve left for school. He does wake up in between for feeds but his nighttime sleeping routine starts at 9pm and ends at about 9 the next morning.

During that time, his siblings will come into the room to kiss him at least twice – once to kiss him goodnight when it’s their bedtime and again to kiss him goodbye when they leave for school. It’s all sweet and good but all this kissing usually means that they’ll rouse him from slumber and make him upset. Which makes me upset because there goes my quiet mommy time to get some work done.

Last night, Kirsten came to kiss baby Finn and for once he didn’t stir. So she decided to yell “WAKE UP BABY FINN, JIE JIE WANT TO KISS YOU!!” into his right ear. It obviously worked because he woke up and started bawling.

After I finally got him back to sleep, I decided that it was time to lay down some ground rules.

“Kids, we need to lay down some ground rules.” I said with the sternest voice I could muster. “First, no shouting when Finn is asleep. You’ve got to use your quiet inner voice. Do you know what that is?”

“mpphhh pfhhh ssssss?” Kirsten cupped her hands over her mouth and whispered.

“I have no idea what you just said. I don’t mean talk like a fish, just talk quietly but it is still intended for humans.”

“I said, is it like this??” she repeated.

This time, it was well above a whisper, but slightly softer than her usual speaking voice. It would have to do.

“Well, yes, slightly softer would be good but this is fine,” I said with a sigh. “Number two, no more kissing. You can think of other ways to show your affection, as long as you don’t go near him or touch him.”

“How about we give him a pretend kiss?” Truett suggested.

“Sure, that’s ok. Pretending is good.”

“Can we pat his face?” Kirsten asked.

“No, that violates the no-touching rule. Think of something else.”

“I know, we can stand very far and wave to him,” she ventured helpfully.

“Ok, yes. I think you’re getting the drift. You guys can make monkey faces at him for all I care, just make sure you be quiet and don’t touch him, that’s all I ask.”

I knew it was a mistake because I could see her eyes sparkle the moment those words left my mouth.

Let’s just say I wouldn’t be surprised if they spend the next few days making monkey faces at him. But then I guess it beats having her yell in his ear. This is me picking my battles.


picture perfect, precious moments

Definitely a keeper

I’m really enjoying taking pictures of the kids these days.

Especially Kirsten, who’s an expert at hamming it up for the camera. She’s practically a professional camera-hammer-upper once the DSLR is out and she’ll freestyle to produce a gem like this.

The flower in the hair? Her idea.

The hand on Tru’s cheek? Also her idea.

The priceless gaze? All her.

Truett was clearly as bewildered as we all were but props to him for going along with it.

giveaways reviews ads

3M Nexcare™ First Aid Solutions

When Truett was first born, we didn’t think of putting together a first aid kit. I mean, when you’re already swamped with taking care of a small but needy human being, it’s not the kind of thing you think about until an accident happens.

So the first time Tru fell and grazed his knees badly, we did the only thing we could think of – PANIC. He was scuh-reaming his head off in pain and we were scrambling around the house looking for some antiseptic cream and a bandage. Of course there was none to be found because we didn’t buy any for an emergency like this.

The husband had to rush to the store and I was tasked to clean the wound while Tru shrieked and flailed like an angry bobcat. After washing, he refused to let me stop the bleeding with a cloth so he just sat on his little chair and bled everywhere while waiting for the husband to come back with supplies.

Ok, it might have just been a few drops of blood but when your baby is bleeding, all perspective goes out the window.

These days, we have a pretty decent first aid kit on hand because we ain’t taking any chances the next time an accident happens. And now thanks to 3M Nexcare™, our first collection is quite impressive.

First of all, they have bandages and dressings in every size you can think of. Whether you have a tiny cut or your injury is shaped like the African continent, they have a solution for you. Unlike regular bandages, these come with a unique 360o diamond shaped seal for all-round protection. And it’s ultra-thin and comfortable to wear so it’s great for kids. Especially my kids, who have the itchy-finger syndrome and will scratch and peel off anything that’s too uncomfortable.

But most importantly, it’s waterproof yet breathable, providing excellent protection from water, dirt and germs. The kids have a special ability to seek out germs like a homing device so this gives us peace of mind that they’ll be protected even when they’re out at germ-infested areas like the beach or the playground. It also means that I won’t have to tie up the infected area with a plastic bag when they bathe or change the bandage after every bath.

Speaking of dressing changes, the kids really hate it. They won’t allow us to go near the bandage even when it’s oozing with pus and they’ll put up such a fight you’d think I was trying to amputate a limb. It’s nice that these bandages are easy to apply and release with virtually no residue so they don’t feel like we’re yanking off their skin together with the bandage.

Nexcare™ has also just launched a range of large dressings that are great for the larger scrapes and cuts that kids sometimes get themselves into. What’s interesting is the transparent film dressing that allows me to monitor healing of the wound without having to peel away at the sides for a peek. If there is something wrong with the wound, I’d be able to tell immediately and give my kids the medical care they need.

Obviously the best thing to do is be careful and try to prevent them from getting hurt but accidents do happen and when they do, it’s always good to be prepared.

With that, it’s time for a giveaway.

Nexcare™ is having a contest to give away 10 product hampers worth $20 each! All you have to do to take part is answer the following question.

3M Nexcare™ has the widest range of bandages and dressings. I can get superior protection against water, dirt and germs with Nexcare™ waterproof bandages and dressings.
a) Only the first statement is correct.
b) Only the second statement is correct.
c) Both statements are correct.

Send your answer (along with your full name, NRIC, mobile number and email address) with the subject title “Mother Inc: Nexcare Waterproof Bandages Contest” to by 10 December 2012. Contest open to Singapore residents only.

* 3M Nexcare™ first aid solutions are available at Guardian, Watsons, Unity and other leading stores.


coolest kids ever, precious moments

The best and the worst

Now that things have settled somewhat and we’ve all had a chance to get used to having a new baby around, we have a better idea of what life with 3 kids is like.

Especially on weekends when everyone is around.

I’d describe our weekends with 3 kids as both the best of times and the worst of times.

We can’t, for example, go out for a leisurely meal like most other people because there’ll be nothing leisurely about it. Or much eating for that matter. One kid will want to be carried, one kid will be ripping open wet tissues to wipe the cutlery (then her own face), one kid will be getting acquainted with all the germs under the table and we’ll glance at each other and immediately regret having been so bold as to attempt a lunch at a public place at all.

Somehow, we’ll manage (barely) to shovel food down everyone’s throats and breathe a sigh of relief that nothing was smashed or spilt or destroyed in the process.

But then on weekends where we’re crazy enough to venture out with 3 kids, we also get heart-melting moments like these.

‘Nuff said.