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July 2012

art attack

Back to the drawing board

Nap times used to be my favorite times of the day because much as I enjoy their company when they’re awake, the fact is that I enjoy their company a lot more when they’re asleep. It’s the only hour of peace and quiet I get every afternoon so it’s kind of like a big deal.

Recently, they seem to have outgrown their naps, which means that I not only have less time to myself, I now have to come up with ways to keep them occupied constructively.

One of those ways – develop their artistic talent. Also know as giving them a bunch of chalk and a chalkboard.

Kirsten spent like 30 seconds drawing some squiggly lines only to realize that she was more interested in posing for the camera.

I guess it’d be nice if they turn out to be child prodigy artists but I’m also ok if they end up developing other useful skills, like how to pose while holding an object, which is one of those underrated talents in life.

We’d be happy either way.


Drypers Little Day Out

There’s been a lot of tension around here but I’ve said what I needed to say so it’s back to regular programming today. Everyone, take a deep breath and relax!

So two weekends ago, we had a very eventful Drypers Little Day Out at Big Splash.

It was really nice of Drypers to plan everything just so that families could spend some quality time and have a bit of fun outdoors. The event was held in conjunction with the launch of the new Best Ever Drypers – Drypers Soft, Drypers Wee Wee DRY and Drypers DRYPantz, which are now available in stores. The kids have been on the new ranges for the past month and I’m looking forward to testing out the all new supersoft Drypers Soft for Finn. Speaking of, I’m giving birth in less than 2 months…OK NEED TO STOP HYPERVENTILATING.

Anyhow, all we needed to do was show up to enjoy all the rides and activities – totally my kind of event.

On a bunny trail, I have no idea where the kids learnt to do the 2-finger peace sign while taking pictures but it’s like their default picture pose these days. I’d be appalled if it wasn’t so insanely cute.

Time for a Math question: If each kid holds up 2 fingers and daddy holds up 6, how many posers are there?

Moving along, we may have found the coolest carnival game ever. This is Truett holding what looks like a real crossbow, only instead of real arrows, it was replaced with child-friendly suction arrows. Not to brag or anything but this little marksman hit a bullseye on his second try and there was like an audible cheer from the queue of parents. I wanted to give it a shot too but he kind of set the bar pretty high so I totally chickened out.

Besides the carnival booths, there were also kiddy train rides and carousel rides, which are always a hit with the kids.

And then we wrapped up the evening with an outdoor screening of Alvin and the Chipmunks-Chipwrecked under the stars, which was a really cool idea, especially for parents with kids. When the kids got restless, they could fidget and munch on snacks and ask annoying questions without getting shushed or given dirty looks by irate neighbors.

All in all, it was a splendid way to spend a Saturday with the family. Props to all the folks at Drypers who worked so hard to put it all together.

This is part 3 of a series of sponsored conversations on behalf of Drypers Singapore. All opinions and text are my own.

seriously somewhat serious

Innocent until Proven Guilty

Ok, I’ve read your comments and I hear what you’re trying to say. I even agree with a lot of them, except those calling me awful names, obviously.

Like most of you, I believe in integrity and truth and justice and accountability.

The fundamental difference is that you’re working on the assumption that the five accused individuals are guilty. We’re not.

Pastor Kong Hee has asserted that he maintains his integrity.

In addition, the church has responded to the allegations, stating that “The S$24 million, which went to investment bonds, was returned to the church in full, with interest. We didn’t lose the S$24 million, nor did we lose another S$26.6m as alleged and no personal profit was gained by the individuals concerned.”

Yes, I know everyone is calling for evidence. There’s nothing we would like more than to present out side of the story and back it up with evidence. But as criminal charges are now before the court and will be subject to adjudication by the court, presenting our case at this point would constitute subjudice. So these five individuals are being portrayed by the media as guilty without given a chance to defend themselves.

In accordance with the law, we will be allowed to present our case and make our defence in due time, which we will.

I’m not asking for your support. Neither am I asking you to agree with everything we believe in. I’m not even going to ask you to stop calling me bad names. All I’m asking for is justice and fairness. That you consider the possibility that these five accused individuals are innocent. To give truth a chance and let the evidence speak for itself.