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July 2012

i love christmas, travel

Christmas in July

I like Christmas. In fact, I like it so much I dream of having it all year round, which explains why I listen to carols throughout the year. But the magic of Christmas is to celebrate it with other people, so it’s not much fun being the only nut feeling all festive in the middle of the year.

So when we were in Melbourne last week, we absolutely had to visit this charming little place called Miss Marples Tea Room. It’s pretty much like any other tea room, except they serve tea with a theme – Christmas in July.

It was ingenious, why wait till December when you could have it in July? Especially when it’s the middle of winter and the setting was perfect for some yuletide cheer.

We had to wait 40 minutes for a table but seriously, so worth it because stepping into the place, it felt exactly like Christmas.

There was a real fireplace with a crackling fire, all decked out with red and white stockings. Dangling from the ceiling were wreaths and garlands and mistletoe. The jingle of carols filled the room and the smell of Christmas was in the air. For once, I wasn’t the only one rocking out to Winter Wonderland in July.

And the desserts? Unbelievable.

They had all varieties of Christmassy food like roast turkey, eggnog, bread pudding and all kinds of sweet caramel creations. But we had just come from lunch so we decided to go for a sugar-induced coma with mugs of hot chocolate and a selection of desserts instead.

Not a bad way to spend a wintry afternoon.


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There’s no party like a Colgate party

Remember the Colgate Slim Soft Bloggers Party that I was talking about a couple of weeks back? That happened 2 weekends ago and congrats to those who managed to snag the tickets – it was a pleasure meeting you guys there!

Together with the Colgate and Nuffnang folks, all 5 of us Colgate Bloggers were there to host the event. That’s Beatrice, Melissa, Maureen, Brad and yours truly.

We were asked to color-coordinate and thankfully, Colgate’s colors are red and white, not something far out like green and purple. Even Kirsten picked out a pretty red and white dress to be all matchy-matchy. She was a little shy at first with all the attention but she warmed up once the activities started and the food was served.

Speaking of food, it was held at Skyve Elementary Bistro & Bar, a cosy little place at Winstedt Road. We arrived to find the place decked out in red and white as well. There were flowers, balloons, ribbons and cupcakes – very pretty.

On top of the usual icebreaker games, we also had a Colgate version of Trivial Pursuit, which was actually quite informative. Like I found out that the world’s first toothbrush was made out of… wait for it, horse hair. That’s gross on so many levels I don’t even know where to begin. I guess it gives new meaning to the phrase “straight from the horse’s mouth“, except it’s straight from the horse to your mouth.

We also got useful toothbrush care tips like the importance of keeping your toothbrush at least 6 metres away from the toilet bowl as germs can travel from the toilet bowl to your toothbrush and into your mouth.

Ok, to round up the post, here’s one final bit of trivia:

When I get a stalk of Gerbera, I honestly don’t know what to do with it except hold it gingerly like it’s going to turn around and bite me. The husband was like “it’s a flower, not poison ivy” and I was all “just stop talking and take the picture.”

When Kirsten gets a stalk of Gerbera, she smells it, cradles it and walks around like it’s the prettiest thing she’s ever seen. Well, she obviously didn’t get that from me.

This is part 3 of a series of sponsored conversations on behalf of Colgate. All opinions and text are my own.

to Kirsten with love

Happy birthday, not-so-baby girl.

It seems like Kirsten has grown up a lot this trip. The last time we were on holiday, she was still in her baby mode, but this time, she’s behaving like a total big girl.

Like when we ran out of milk midway, she didn’t fuss or have a meltdown like she normally would and just went, “It’s ok, I can sleep without milk. Mommy will get milk for me when we go home right?” Or when we lost her duck (again), she borrowed one end of Tru’s blanket and went right to sleep.

And then we realized that amidst all the travel and excitement, we totally forgot that it was her birthday on Friday.

We did throw her a rather massive combined birthday bash with Truett, so on Friday we gave her a hug, wished her Happy Birthday and it was more like “yay, congrats, you’re finally 3!”


All this while, we’ve suspected that she’s advanced for her age, but there was this babyness to her that made her seem so little at the same time.

Well, that babyness is almost totally gone now.

At 3 years old, she’s incredibly comfortable mixing with bigger kids. When we were at one of the playgrounds in Gold Coast, there were a bunch of 8 to 10-year-olds at the slide and both her and Truett just fit right in, playing with them like friends. Before long, we realized that she was ordering them around, telling each one it was their turn to go down. Strangely, the bigger kids didn’t seem to mind.

She’s very expressive, which is something I hope never goes away. She dances in the street when she hears music, yells at the top of her lungs when she feels like it (she obviously got this from the husband) and goes “WOW THAT”S SO AWESOME” at stuff we often take for granted.

She’s also exceedingly girly. If she could choose, she’d be walking around in an explosion of pinkness all the time. We saw a girl dressed in a glittery tutu skirt and Kirsten just stood and stared at her for a long time before exclaiming “I think that’s a princess!” That sort of made me want to go right out to buy her a glittery tutu.

And the thing I love the most is how she makes us smile whenever we’re upset or down. She’ll make funny faces and laugh that infectious giggle, which is irresistible. People always say that kids are a bundle of joy and I guess that’s what they mean.

I usually get a little nostalgic during their birthdays, but if this is any indication of what the rest of her third year will be like, I’m really looking forward to it.

Happy birthday, my princess!


Sea World

Sea World turned out to be a whole lot of fun.

In fact, it was probably the most fun among all 3 parks. While there were some rides, it’s really less of a theme park and more of a zoo crossed with an aquarium.

There were the different enclosures, underwater viewing galleries, marine attractions and my personal favorite, the animal shows. I’m working on a video with some awesome dolphin show footage, hopefully that will be ready next week.

This trip, we discovered that Tru’s favorite marine animal is the shark and Kirsten’s favorite is the penguin. Looking at their personalities, I would have imagined it to be the other way around but there you go.

There was also a Dora show that Kirsten enjoyed immensely. I’ve never let her watch a single episode of Dora so I’m not sure where she picked it up from but apparently, she loves Dora. I thought this Dora seemed a little pudgy but the entire 20-minute show was basically about her going for a picnic so I can’t say that I was surprised. I guess all that chocolate has to go somewhere.

And the coolest part of Sea World has to be this play area. There’s this ride called Battle Boats, which is sort of like a boat ride but with a twist. All the boats are equipped with water jets that the passengers can use to shoot the people on land and those guys on land have their own water jets to shoot the guys on the boats – hence the name Battle Boats.

So that about wraps up all the theme parks for us. We decided to give Dreamworld a miss but I hear that’s pretty good too. Maybe we’ll try that the next round.


Theme Park Tuesday

It’s day 4 in Gold Coast and we covered 2 theme parks – Movie World and Wet ‘n’ Wild Waterpark.

By now, we’ve acclimatized to the point that we’re able to run around in swimwear. To be fair, we had really nice sunny weather yesterday so we decided to hit the waterpark to check it out first. If it was too cold, we’d abort mission and head to Movie World instead.

Upon arriving and looking at the crowd in Wet ‘n’ Wild, I almost thought that it’s in the middle of summer. The place was packed with kids in their swimwear and it’s like these guys don’t feel cold at all.

There’s this super fun water play area that looks suspiciously similar to the one at Port of Lost Wonder at Sentosa.

And this insane water ride that the husband and my sister went on. They put you in a vertical chamber and the floor opens from under your feet so you plunge all the way down. And then it shoots you back up the side for a second drop.

I couldn’t ride anything but it was fun just sitting there looking at the faces of all the people who came out from the ride looking completely shellshocked.

Kirsten lasted 40 minutes in the icy cold water before she started shivering violently. Even then, she persisted  in playing some more until she finally gave up, shuffled to the husband and said she was c-c-c-cold.

So we wrapped her up in two towels and I held her under the sun to warm up a little.

We were done with the waterpark in less than 3 hours so we dried off and headed to Movie World, which was located just next door.

Movie World is an interesting mix of Warner Brothers characters, DC superheroes and even a Harry Potter shop. If I have to compare theme parks, I’s say it’s most like Universal Studios, but with a different bunch of characters.

The headliner rides are Batwing Spaceshot, Arkham Asylum as well as the Superman Escape and Green Lantern roller coasters – all of which are too intense for me even in my non-pregnant state.

The kids couldn’t go on most of the thrilling rides either so they spent their time with me at the kids area, which had all the tamer rides like the carousel, spinning cups and bumper cars.

This was the first thrilling ride Kirsten made the height limit for. It basically goes up and down vertically, but in a very slow and gentle manner. Just enough to feel a slight drop drop but really not scary at all.

Even though she looked terrified during the entire ride, when she got off, she was all “I’m so brave, I wasn’t scared you know!” But when we asked her if she wanted to go again, she thought for a moment and said “No need, because when I sit too many times, I will get a tummy ache.” Yeah, right.

The park was more crowded than I expected but there’s something about the cool weather that makes everyone more patient and friendly. I’m so not looking forward to the blazing heat back home.


I guess that’s why they call it the Gold Coast

Hello from Down Under!

I’m seriously loving the weather in Gold Coast. When we first arrived, all of us were wrapped up in 3 layers of clothes and still shivering while all the Aussies were strolling around in their t-shirts and shorts. It took us about a day to acclimatize and by the second day, we are equally badass. Ok, maybe not shorts but down to just one layer.

Given that I only had 2 hours to search for accommodation, it was quite a miracle that we got a really nice lodge at Ashmore Palms Holiday Village for like A$110 per night. The service was brilliant – they let us check in early at 9am and gave us a complimentary upgrade to a 2-bedroom unit.

It’s very kid-friendly, with 2 huge playgrounds, a pool and a whole bunch of kids activities like balloon sculpting and macaw meet and greets.

We usually drive when we’re in Australia but this time we thought we’d skip the car rental and try the public Surfside buses instead. That turned out to be a terrible idea. Each bus trip cost like $15 (for 3 adults) and it went round the suburbs so a trip that would usually take 15 minutes by car took about an hour by bus. Plus we had to walk almost 1km out to the nearest bus stop so by the time we arrived at the stop, the kids were already exhausted. Also, some stops didn’t have any shelter, which meant that we had to wait in the sun for 10-15 minutes.

After the arduous journey out, we decided to take a cab on the way back – which only cost us $20 and 15 minutes. Total facepalm. After that, we caved and rented a car for $30 a day.

When you’re in Gold Coast, one of the places you absolutely have to go to is Surfer’s Paradise.

We got there just in time to catch the golden light and OMG, the view was magnificent. The kids saw it from afar and started running towards the water, while we stood completely amazed by the view. I don’t know how else to describe it, except that it was like walking on a sheet of gold.

These pictures of the beach are almost straight out of camera, with minimal edits in Lightroom.

We’ll be at the theme parks the next couple of days. Be back with more updates!

too awesome for words, travel

The Craziest Trip Ever

Being a parent doesn’t allow much room for spontaneity. Especially when you’re a parent of two and 32 weeks pregnant. Everything has to be planned way in advance, then double-checked and re-planned to be sure.

But I’ve always been a big fan of spontaneity – to do something totally insane once in a while. Except that it’s never the right time, you know. There are always a thousand reasons not to be spontaneous.

Sometimes, you just have to make it the right time.

Me: Babe, want to go Melbourne for a short trip?

Husband: Oh sure. When?

Me: We fly tomorrow night.

Husband: WHAT? That’s crazy.

Me: Just think about it. It sounds crazy but not that crazy.

Husband: Yes, it is that crazy.

Me: Well, is it the good kind of crazy or the crazy kind?

Husband: Pretty awesome kind of crazy.

Me: Ok then, let’s do it. What the heck, let’s just leave tonight. And we’re bringing the kids.

That was like 3pm yesterday afternoon, so I got clearance from my gynae, booked all the tickets, packed our bags and got on board a 10pm flight last night.

The kids were all like “NOW?? We’re going now? YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!”

Right now, we’re in Gold Coast and the weather is glorious. We’ll be here for the next couple of days, then heading to visit my sister in Melbourne.

This might just be the craziest thing we’ve done in a long time, or ever.