Monthly Archives

September 2011


Baby it’s cold outside

I’m in Melbourne and the weather is just amazing. Well, it’s about 10 degrees out, which compared to Singapore, is way, way cold. But I love the cold and there’s something about being wrapped up all warm and toasty in freezing temperatures that makes me happy. I stepped out of the airport and just stood outside for several minutes feeling the cold wind across my face.

I’m here with the other 9 winners of the Singapore Blog Awards for 3 days to experience the best that Melbourne has to offer. We obviously couldn’t squeeze everything into 3 days so we all got to customize our itinerary according to our preferences. I’m going with a coffee tour, a ski trip up on Mount Buller and of course, lots of shopping.

The husband, kids and my mom will fly down on Sunday for another week so that gives us lots of time to explore Melbourne properly. This is the first time the kids are on holiday and they’re over the moon about it.

For the past 3 weeks since our travel plans were confirmed, we’ve been doing a daily countdown and every day, they ask the same question, “ARE WE GOING TO MELBOURNE NOW? HOW ABOUT NOW? OR NOW? I THINK WE SHOULD GO NOW!” And of course, we’re excited that they’re excited.

Speaking of the kids, I’ve gone 20 hours without seeing them and I’m in severe withdrawal. I miss my babies and it’s so weird to have 3 whole days to myself. 3 days of not having to arbitrate fights every 10 minutes. No poop cleaning. No yelling or shrieks. No incessant gummy harassment.

Like what am I supposed to do with all this time? Let my hair down and have fun? I’ve almost forgotten what that’s like, but I’m fairly certain it will all come back to me very quickly.

But then the downside is that there are also no unexpected kisses and no baby hands to hold. Total bummer.

Anyway, it’s 5.30 in the afternoon and so far, I’ve met a pirate, had a delicious rabbit stew for lunch and knocked back 5 cups of coffee. I haven’t slept in the last 30 hours and I’m high from exhaustion, caffeine overdose and jetlag. There’s a very high chance I’m going to just pass out on the way to dinner.

I’ll be blogging about the trip while we’re here so more to come soon. For now, Melbourne beckons.


Quiz Time: Is my child a genius?

You’ve probably done 257 of these quizzes by now, hoping that the answer every single time is YES. Even parents who say they don’t care do these quizzes *for fun*, secretly hoping that the answer is that their little precious is smarter than Einstein and Megamind rolled into one.

I once did a quiz that said my child is above average and I was infuriated. ABOVE AVERAGE??!! What do you mean above average? What kind of a quack quiz is this? My kids falls into 1 of 2 categories: Super Smart Genius Prodigy or So Brilliant It Will Make Your Brain Explode. Above average doesn’t even begin to describe their toenails.

And then I decided never to visit that site again.

So after some research, I’m making my own quiz to make myself feel better. Feel free to participate.

Add or subtract points for each statement that you agree with below. 

1. My child can draw a straight line at 18 months. (Add 5 points)

2. My child can speak in full sentences by age 2. (Add 10 points)

3. My child goes for “Unleash Your Inner Brainiac” lessons twice a week. (Subtract 50 points. Cheating.)

4. My child bakes cupcakes for homeless people (Subtract 25 points. Showing off)

5. My child can converse in 6 different languages, including sign language and the sonic chanting in E-flat by the Bedouin monks of the Al Maghreb mountains. (Add 100 points)

6. My child can spell Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. (Add 5 points)

7. My child can pronounce Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis backwards. Twice. (Subtract 10 points. Who does that??)

8. My child can play Beethoven: Sonata Hammerklavier opus 106 entirely from memory. (Add 1o points)

9. My child can sit through someone playing Beethoven: Sonata Hammerklavier opus 106 without falling asleep. (Add 25 points)

10. This is ridiculous. My child can come up with a better genius quiz than this. (Add 500 points)

Tune in for the next quiz: Should I be spending this much time doing quizzes?

Or if you want to try more quizzes now, check out this and this

how i pretend to be a cool mum, kids in motion

I’m definitely going to need an ice-cream today

Last weekend flew by quick. I thought I was supposed to have 2 days for the weekend but it only felt like 1, and a short one at that. I did a Truett this morning when I woke up like “NOOOOO, IT’S NOT MONDAY!! It’s Sunday right, please let it be Sunday.”

I opened my eyes slowly, waiting to hear the kids jump on the bed and prod at my eyelids but there was just the gentle breathing of sleeping kids and it was the husband telling me to wake up. He never tells me to wake up on a Sunday so I knew it was well and truly Monday.

It’s a terrible way to start a Monday because I like to be prepared on Sunday nights. I mourn the passing of my weekend a little bit, then potter around the house preparing for the week ahead. But mostly, I brace myself for the Monday blues so that when I wake up the next morning and the feeling of dread hits me in the gut, I’ll be all “Hah! I’m ready.”

Sort of like when you knew the husband is waiting behind a pillar to jump out at you because you saw him hiding from a mile off. That’s much better than not expecting it and having him scare the living daylights out of you.

It’s all in the preparation. Or as Ross would say, the Unagi.

Anyway, this calls for happy pictures. And ice-cream. I’m going to get myself a large scoop of salted caramel ice-cream for breakfast.

Kirsten finally allowed me to tie her hair on Saturday. It’s ridiculously cute because it makes her cheeks look chubbier than they already are. Like a hamburger.

And happiness is discovering a new water playground on a hot afternoon.

PS. In other news, the results for the Strider giveaway are out!

PPS. In other other news, I was on 93.8 Live’s Raw and Ready with Sarah Cheng De-Winne to talk about Mother, Inc and other parenting stuff. If you missed it, the podcast is right below or you can download the mp3 (right click, save link as)  here.


side effects of motherhood

Blue Steel, baby.

I’ve been trying to teach Truett the Blue Steel for the longest time now, which is that deadly look all male models have. Yes, it’s the sort of important life lessons I spend time teaching my kids. But hey, it’s a good skill to acquire even if he doesn’t ever become a male model because it is versatile enough to be used anywhere, like if you have to wait too long at the bus stop or when the waiter gets your order wrong at a restaurant or somebody cuts your queue.

It’s hard to get it just right though, because it can’t be too blur or too pouty or too sullen or too constipated.

I told him to imagine how he’d feel if one of his gummies got stolen.

A year and a half later, he’s finally nailed it. Several more years of practice and he’ll be ready.





What do you say, almost as sullen as Edward Cullen?